raspberry pi
Projects with this topic
Just a simple "Hello World" in C with OpenCL (for Rpi 1-2-3)
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Raspberry Pi for home automation. Runs daemons for hardware access and communication on a network of Pi's. Plus a desktop (Qt multi-platform but tested on linux only) front-end for managing all your Pi's and keeping track what they do.
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A Raspberry Pi based test utility for the TS4631 SteamVR IC.
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C/C++ GNU/Linux kernel module to drive via SPI a MAX7219 controlled chained array of 8x8 led matrices. Currently, only ARMv7 is tested (Olimexino Lime A10 and Raspberry Pi B+ v1.2)
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LightPiIO is a java library for the GPIO connector on *Pi. It intent to be small (only implementing the bus access, I2C, SPI, GPIO) and flexible. This implementation should work with every Pi-compatible devices as well as official RaspberryPi.
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Weather Station
This is a (yet another) weather station project. This weather station project aims to incorporate Raspberry Pi's, Arduino's and a wide variety of sensors into an easy-configurable network.
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Read the BME680 sensor with the BSEC library on GNU/Linux systems. Fork of https://github.com/alexh-name/bsec_bme680_linux
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RPi project that displays information about your on-call status to anyone who can see the screen or access the front end. When not in use, the screen displays information about upcoming Formula 1 events.
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A Raspberry Pi specific port of Christoph Acham's kernel module make files
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Raspberry Pi 3b+ Operating System (from scratch)
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Immagine per Raspberry Pi per creare un server OpenVPN per lo smart working o il telelavoro.
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A repository that contains example programs for getting familiar with EGL on the Raspberry Pi. The examples will run OpenGL ES from the command line without needing X11 running.
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Full open-source sensor suit for a sailing yacht.
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Everything I build at home goes in here. Most things here are borderline hardware/software, drivers and things, there's tons of stuff with no specific structure..
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Using AWS Machine Learning services and Apache MXNet on a Raspberry Pi.
Code for the Johnny Pi series of posts on Medium https://medium.com/@julsimon/johnny-pi-i-am-your-father-part-0-1eb537e5a36
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Repositorio para el Proyecto Domótica, realizado para la cátedra de Técnicas Digitales III - UTN FRA. Martín Enríquez - Leandro Lanzieri