computational mathematics
Projects with this topic
A rigorous and well-sourced Java mathematics library that extends the Hipparchus mathematics library that includes linear algebra over R^n and C^n (e.g. Matrix, ComplexMatrix, Eigen, complex Schur using the M-shifted large-bulge QR alg., and complex QR and Hessenberg decompositions using Householder transformations), frameworks for and implementations of hyper-dimensional (N-dimensional) geometry (e.g., NOrthotope, NBall, RealNDomain, AbstractNDomain), weighted non-linear least-squares optimization (Levenmerg-Marquardt with geodesic acceleration), non-linear dynamics (e.g., DynamicalSystem, StateTransitionMatrix),and a rich framework of multi-variate, vector- and matrix-valued function definitions (e.g., MultivariateVectorValuedFunction, VectorField, MultivariateMatrixValuedFunction). Whenever a reference is used in the process of development, that source is included in the JavaDoc and, if possible, a hyperlink is provided.
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We will offer a Free Software mayor command line version of uLTRALogic and separate visualization tools. For a privative commercial Psideralis full mayor GUI version contact us for more information. Wiki:
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This repository contains all my notes and code related to my master's program in Computational Physics at the Physics Department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. This repository serves as a comprehensive compilation of my journey through the program, including detailed notes and code for each course. The materials here encompass a wide range of topics covered throughout my master's program, reflecting both the required tasks and my personal explorations beyond the curriculum.