Projects with this topic
A customization of the 'Calendar Extra' Conky Lua code file for my Linux Mint systems; inspired by the original configuration.
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CLI tool to fetch an ics calendar from the internet and generate markdown files
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Cata — это современный календарь и диспетчер задач TUI с настраиваемым интерфейсом. Программа управляет вашими событиями и задачами, отображает дни рождения из вашей книги и может импортировать события и задачи из TaskWarrior. Разрабатывается Святовым Артёмом с 2024 года.
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Discordian Date Function Wordpress Plugin
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Weather forecasts in the iCalendar data format
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static site generator that generates html, rss and ics files, for a coding meetup, with bash.
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Easter date computation in different programming languages
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a simple pdf calendar for teachers.
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Talking Calendar is a desktop calendar for Linux which has some speech capability. It has been developed using C and GTK4 and uses a built-in diphone speech synthesizer.
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Ubuntu Touch Webapp for the Universal Celestial Calendar app.
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Just another JavaScript calendar I made for fun.
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Fork from Churchtools Plugin for Wordpress from wave-interactive:
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A calendar that shows you how long you have left to live, week by week, in a single HTML file that can be run in your browser/any HTML reader (Joplin for instance).
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Prayer times for busy folks. Plan your day around prayers and never miss one again!
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Python functions for Apple contacts and calendar