Projects with this topic
*** Disclaimer: This is NOT one of the official Cinnamox themes, but a fork that has been customized. ***
Cinnamox-Heather-NT features a pale blue colour scheme and dark text.
It is based on Cinnamox-Heather, but (as a nod to Windows NT styles) has a visible border (albeit with rounded corners). Also the title and titlebar buttons are etched and the buttons provide a different visual feedback.
And although I'm not a fan of Dock Panels, as the experience is unfamiliar and jarring, I ran across a design in the Chillies and Pepper themes (@friedidli30) that makes the middle panel transparent, but leaves the familiar menu/window-list and system-tray in the bottom-left and bottom-right, respectively. I have implemented that here.
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*** Disclaimer: This is NOT one of the official Cinnamox themes, but a fork that has been customized. ***
Cinnamox-Olive-NT features a pale olive colour scheme and dark text.
It is based on Cinnamox-Heather, but (as a nod to Windows NT styles) has a visible border (albeit with rounded corners). Also the title and titlebar buttons are etched and the buttons provide a different visual feedback.
And although I'm not a fan of Dock Panels, as the experience is unfamiliar and jarring, I ran across a design in the Chillies and Pepper themes (@friedidli30) that makes the middle panel transparent, but leaves the familiar menu/window-list and system-tray in the bottom-left and bottom-right, respectively. I have implemented that here.
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*** Disclaimer: This is NOT one of the official Cinnamox themes, but a fork that has been customized. ***
Cinnamox-Wood-NT features a pale brown colour scheme and dark text.
It is based on Cinnamox-Heather, but (as a nod to Windows NT styles) has a visible border (albeit with rounded corners). Also the title and titlebar buttons are etched and the buttons provide a different visual feedback.
And although I'm not a fan of Dock Panels, as the experience is unfamiliar and jarring, I ran across a design in the Chillies and Pepper themes (@friedidli30) that makes the middle panel transparent, but leaves the familiar menu/window-list and system-tray in the bottom-left and bottom-right, respectively. I have implemented that here.
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A bash script that monitors network activity,showing bars, working with the RunCommand Applet, for Linux Mint, Cinnamon Desktop Environment, or Generic Monitor for XFCE.
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Wood Theme for Linux Mint Cinnamon. (Wallpaper not included)
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Windows XP NT Theme for Linux Mint Cinnamon. A fork of Windows XP Embedded by Elbullazul and B00merang Project. Modified menu, startbar, titlebar, frame to look more NT-like, but with XP Embedded coloring. (Wallpaper not included)
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From an Ubuntu based Linux Mint to my full-fledged workstation.
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SpectrWm Manual Binary Build / Manual Install in Mint 20 so Future Updates of the binary can be easily implement without the use of the SpectrWm's Repo's. I did this 1 year ago. I have redesigned the repo on 06/06/2022
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Unofficial graphical Wine installer for Linux (Ubuntu-based distros)
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This is a simple bash script. It is a calendar applet for the Ciinamon Desktop Environment. It shows data in a more compact way (two rows), thus being more economical as far as the panel real estate is concerned.
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A simple bash script to display cpu usage in Cinnamon DE. It displays one bar for each cpu core in the Cinnamon panel. It works in combination with the CommandRunner applet.
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Script para después de instalar cualquiera de tus distro Favorita con sabor a Ubuntu 18.04+
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