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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • jetty-10.0.0-alpha0
  • jetty-9.4.19.v20190610
    Tag for release: jetty-9.4.19.v20190610
     + 2909 Remove B64Code
     + 3332 jetty-maven-plugin - transitive dependencies not loaded from
     + 3498 WebSocket Session.suspend() now suspends incoming frames instead
       of reads
     + 3534 Use System nanoTime, not currentTimeMillis for IdleTimeout
     + 3550 Server becomes unresponsive after sitting idle from a load spike
     + 3562 InetAccessHandler should be able to apply to a certain port or
     + 3568 Make UserStore able to be started/stopped with its LoginService
     + 3583 jetty-maven plugin in multi-module-project does not use files from
       /target/test-classes folder of dependent projects
     + 3605 IdleTimeout with Jetty HTTP/2 and InputStreamResponseListener
     + 3608 Reply with 400 Bad request to malformed WebSocket handshake
     + 3616 Backport WebSocket SessionTracker from Jetty 10
     + 3620 Use of `throwUnavailableOnStartupException=true` does not stop Server
       in jetty-home
     + 3627 Only renew session id when spnego authentication is fully complete
     + 3628 NPE in QueuedThreadPool.getReservedThreads()
     + 3630 X-Forwarded-For missing last hextet for ipv6
     + 3633 endpointIdentificationAlgorithm enabled by default
     + 3653 access control exception if programmatic security manager is used
     + 3655 Spaces missing on Cookies generated via RFC6265
     + 3663 Remove deprecation of HttpClient replacement methods in WebSocketClient
     + 3680 Bom manages non-existent infinispan-remote and infinispan-embedded
       dependencies due to config classifier
     + 3683 Multipart file not deleted when client aborts upload
     + 3690 Upgrade to asm 7.1
     + 3713 Emit warning when invoking deprecated method in Jetty XML
     + 3715 Improve Log.condensePackage performance
     + 3722 HttpSessionListener.sessionDestroyed should be able to access webapp
     + 3726 Remove OSGi export uses of servlet-api from jetty-util
     + 3729 Make creation of java:comp/env threadsafe
     + 3743 Update XmlConfiguration usage in Jetty to always use Constructors that
       provide Location information
     + 3748 @Resource field not injected in Jetty Demo
     + 3750 NPE in WebSocketClient.toString()
     + 3751 Modern Configure DTD / FPI is used inconsistently
  • jetty-9.4.18.v20190429
    Tag for release: jetty-9.4.18.v20190429
     + 3476 IllegalStateException in WebSocket ConnectionState
     + 3550 Server becomes unresponsive after sitting idle from a load spike
     + 3563 Update to apache jasper 8.5.40
     + 3573 Update jetty-bom for new infinispan artifacts.
     + 3582 HeapByteBuffer cleared unexpected
     + 3597 Session persistence broken from 9.4.13+
     + 3609 Fix infinispan start module dependencies
  • jetty-9.4.17.v20190418
    Tag for release: jetty-9.4.17.v20190418
     + 3464 Split SslContextFactory into Client and Server
     + 3549 Directory Listing on Windows reveals Resource Base path
     + 3555 DefaultHandler Reveals Base Resource Path of each Context
  • jetty-9.3.27.v20190418
    Tag for release: jetty-9.3.27.v20190418
     + 3549 Directory Listing on Windows reveals Resource Base path
     + 3555 DefaultHandler Reveals Base Resource Path of each Context
  • jetty-9.2.28.v20190418
    Tag for release: jetty-9.2.28.v20190418
     + 3549 Directory Listing on Windows reveals Resource Base path
     + 3555 DefaultHandler Reveals Base Resource Path of each Context
  • jetty-9.4.16.v20190411
    Tag for release: jetty-9.4.16.v20190411
     + 1861 Limit total bytes pooled by ByteBufferPools
     + 3133 Logging of `key.readyOps()` can throw unchecked `CancelledKeyException`
     + 3159 WebSocket permessage-deflate RSV1 validity check
     + 3274 OSGi versions of java.base classes in conflicts with new rules on Java 9+
     + 3319 Modernize Directory Listing: HTML5 and Sorting
     + 3361 HandlerCollection.addHandler is lacking synchronization
     + 3373 OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space in GZIPContentDecoder
     + 3389 Websockets jsr356 willDecode not invoked during decoding
     + 3394 is deprecated and marked for removal
     + 3404 Cleanup QuotedQualityCSV internal use of Double
     + 3411 HttpClient does not timeout during multiple redirection
     + 3421 Duplicate JSESSIONID sent when invalidating new session
     + 3422 CLOSE_WAIT socket status forever after terminating websocket client
     + 3425 Upgrade conscrypt version to 2.0.0 and remove usage of reflection
     + 3429 JMX Operation to trigger manual deployment scan in WebAppProvider
     + 3440 Stop server if Unavailable thrown
     + 3444 org.eclipse.jetty.http.Http1FieldPreEncoder generates an invalid header
       byte-array if header is null
     + 3456 Allow multiple programmatic login/logout in same request
     + 3464 Split SslContextFactory into Client and Server
     + 3481 TLS close_notify() is not guaranteed
     + 3489 Using setExtraClasspath("lib/extra/*") does not work on Microsoft
     + 3526 HTTP Request Locale not retained in WebsocketUpgrade Request
     + 3540 Use configured Provider in SslContextFactory consistently
     + 3545 NullPointerException on ServletOutputStream.print("");
  • jetty-9.2.27.v20190403
    Tag for release: jetty-9.2.27.v20190403
     + 3319 Refactored Directory Listing to modernize and avoid XSS
  • jetty-9.3.26.v20190403
    Tag for release: jetty-9.3.26.v20190403
     + 2954 Improve cause reporting for HttpClient failures
     + 3274 OSGi versions of java.base classes in conflicts with new rules on Java 9+
     + 3302 Support host:port in X-Forwarded-For header in
     + 3319 Allow reverse sort for directory listed files
  • jetty-9.4.15.v20190215
    Tag for release: jetty-9.4.15.v20190215
     + 113 Add support for NCSA Extended Log File Format
     + 150 extraClasspath() method on WebAppContext dont support dir path
     + 2646 Better handle concurrent calls to change session id and invalidate
       within a context
     + 2718 NPE using more than one Endpoint.publish
     + 2817 Change HttpClient and WebSocketClient default to always have SSL
       support enabled
     + 3030 Enforce Content-Encoding check only on parameter extraction
     + 3038 SSL Connection Leak
     + 3049 Warn on common SslContextFactory problematic configurations
     + 3133 Logging of `key.readyOps()` can throw unchecked `CancelledKeyException`
     + 3139 NPE on
     + 3146 ServletContainerInitializer from war WEB-INF/classes not executing
     + 3154 Add support for to HttpClient
     + 3161 Update to Apache JSP 8.5.35
     + 3178 BufferingResponseListener does not clear buffer in onHeaders
     + 3186 Jetty maven plugin - javax.annotation.jar picked up from jetty plugin
       rather than from applications classpath
     + 3202 jetty-maven plugin in multi-module project not using files from /target
       folders of sister projects
     + 3207 Async ServletOutputStream print methods
     + 3210 Threadpool module creates unmanged threadpool
     + 3212 Client and server need to to treat an incoming HTTP/2 RST_STREAM frame
     + 3234 AuthenticationProtocolHandler should not cache the failed results
     + 3240 ALPN support for Java 13
     + 3241 Missing main manifest attribute in jetty-runner.jar
     + 3242 Fix WebSocket components dump()
     + 3278 NullPointerException if base resource is an empty ResourceCollection
     + 3279 WebSocket write may hang forever
     + 3302 Support host:port in X-Forwarded-For header in
     + 3305 Avoid additional selectNow() on non-Windows runtimes
     + 3307 WebAppClassLoader loadClass can throw NullPointerException for missing
     + 3311 Ability to serve HTTP and HTTPS from the same port
     + 3317 Improve uncaught exception handler double logging
     + 3329 Hazelcast delete expired session fails in deserialize
     + 3350 Do not expect to be able to connect to https URLs with the HttpClient
       created from a parameterless constructor
  • jetty-9.4.14.v20181114
     + 3097 Duplicated programmatic Servlet Listeners causing duplicate calls
     + 3103 HttpClientLoadTest reports a leak in byte buffer
     + 3104 Align jetty-schemas version within apache-jsp module as well
  • jetty-9.4.13.v20181111
    Tag for release: jetty-9.4.13.v20181111
     + 2191 JPMS Support
     + 2431 Upgrade to Junit 5
     + 2691 LdapLoginModule does not find accounts in subtrees
     + 2702 ArithmeticException in Credentials.stringEquals and .byteEquals
     + 2718 NPE using more than one Endpoint.publish
     + 2727 Cleanup behavior of JMX MBean discovery
     + 2740 Ensure OSGiWebappClassLoader uses bundleloader for all loadClass
     + 2787 Use status code from nested BadMessageException wrapped in
     + 2796 HTTP/2 max local stream count exceeded when request fails
     + 2834 Support Java 11 bytecode during annotation scanning
     + 2865 Update to apache jasper 8.5.33
     + 2868 Adding SPNEGO authentication support for Jetty Client
     + 2871 HTTP/2 Server reads -1 after client resets stream
     + 2875 Fix WebSocketClient.connect() hang when attempting to connect at an
       invalid websocket endpoint
     + 2886 SNI matching does not work in certain cases when there is only one CN
       certificate in the keystore
     + 2901 Introduce HttpConnectionUpgrader as a conversation component in
     + 2903 Avoid Listener instantiation during QuickStart generation
     + 2906 jetty-maven-plugin run goal adds output directory of reactor project
       dependencies to classpath without regard for scope
     + 2912 Requests handled with GzipHandler should remove Content-Encoding and
       Content-Length headers
     + 2913 Remove reliance on sun.reflect.Reflection to be compatible with Java 11
     + 2936 Error during initial RequestDispatch with bad request query results in
       failure for ErrorHandler to process
     + 2941 Upgrade to ASM 7 to support Java 11 bytecode
     + 2954 Improve cause reporting for HttpClient failures
     + 2970 Ensure HttpChannel.onComplete is always called
     + 3018 Improve error handling and logging of min data rate violations
     + 3023 Wrong non-redirect behaviour with "null" path info
     + 3030 Enforce Content-Encoding check only on parameter extraction
     + 3041 Cookies parsing in RFC2965 should allow deprecated comma separators
     + 3049 Warn on common SslContextFactory problematic configurations
     + 3054 Update OSGi to ASM 7
     + 3090 MBeanContainer throws NPE for arrays
     + 3092 Wrong classloader used to load *MBean classes
  • jetty-9.3.25.v20180904
    Tag for release: jetty-9.3.25.v20180904
     + 2135 Android 8.1 needs direct buffers for SSL/TLS to work
     + 2777 Workaround for Conscrypt's ssl == null
     + 2787 BadMessageException wrapped as ServletException not handled
     + 2860 Leakage of HttpDestinations in HttpClient
     + 2871 Server reads -1 after client resets HTTP/2 stream
  • jetty-9.4.12.v20180830
    Tag for release: jetty-9.4.12-SNAPSHOT
     + 300 Implement Deflater / Inflater Object Pool
     + 307 Monitor contention in AbstractNCSARequestLog
     + 321 Remove JaspiAuthenticatorFactory.findServerName(Server, Subject)
     + 901 Overriding SSL context KeyStoreType requires explicit override of
     + 1688 Request with `Content-Encoding: gzip` should not perform parameter
     + 1905 Deprecate jetty-runner now, present warnings when using it on Java 9+
     + 2075 Deprecating MultiException
     + 2135 Android 8.1 needs direct buffers for SSL/TLS to work
     + 2233 JDK9 Test failure:
     + 2342 File Descriptor Leak: Conscrypt: "Too many open files"
     + 2349 HTTP/2 max streams enforcement
     + 2398 MultiPartFormInputStream parsing should default to UTF-8, but allowed
       to be overridden by Request.setCharacterEncoding()
     + 2468 EWYK concurrent produce can fail SSL connections
     + 2501 Include accepting connections in connection limit.
     + 2530 Client waits forever for cancelled large uploads
     + 2560 Review PathResource exception handling
     + 2565 HashLoginService silently ignores file:/ config paths from 9.3.x
     + 2592 Failing test on Windows:
       ServerTimeoutsTest.testAsyncWriteIdleTimeoutFires[transport: HTTP]
     + 2597 Failing tests on windows UnixSocketTest
     + 2631 IllegalArgumentException: Buffering capacity exceeded, from HttpClient
       HEAD Requests to resources referencing large body contents
     + 2648 LdapLoginModule fails with forceBinding=true under Java 9
     + 2655 WebSocketClient not removing closed WebSocket Session's from managed
     + 2662 Remove unnecessary boxing conversions
     + 2663 Guard Throwable.addSuppressed() calls
     + 2672 Max local stream count exceeded for HttpClient with HTTP/2 transport
     + 2675 Demo rewrite rules prevent URL Session tracking
     + 2677 Decode URI before matching against "/favicon.ico"
     + 2679 HTTP/2 Spec Compliance
     + 2681 Jetty Hot Deployment Module does not stop exploded webapps after
       removal from webapps directory
     + 2683 NPE in FrameFlusher toString()
     + 2684 MimeTypes.getAssumedEncodings() does not work
     + 2694 Bad DynamicImport-Package in Websocket Servlet
     + 2696 GcloudDataStore dependency generation broken
     + 2706 ResourceService may return 404 for unchanged content
     + 2711 TLS 1.3 compliance
     + 2717 Async requests are not considered when shutting down gracefully
     + 2718 NPE using more than one Endpoint.publish
     + 2719 property file passed to start.jar is not read
     + 2720 <property> config tag can't access property values in WebAppContext
     + 2722 Improve configurability for SETTINGS frames
     + 2730 Limit concurrent HTTP/2 pushed resources
     + 2737 HTTP Authentication parameters containing =
     + 2739 AuthenticationProtocolHandler Multiple Challenge Pattern
     + 2745 JDBCSessionDataStore schema potential performance issue
     + 2746 Move jmh classes to a dedicated module and run those daily or weekly
     + 2749 Graceful shutdown causes repeated 503s on keep-alive connections
     + 2754 Don't eagerly instantiate @WebListener during annotation scan if it is
       explicitly referenced in the webapp descriptor as well
     + 2755 Repeatedly stopping/starting an active HttpClient can result in a stuck
     + 2757 Possible double release of HTTP/2 ByteBuffers
     + 2762 Fix typo in
     + 2767 WebSocket Policy on JSR356 ClientContainer not represented correctly
     + 2775 Make LowResourceMonitor extendable
     + 2777 Workaround for Conscrypt's ssl == null
     + 2778 Upgrade h2spec-maven-plugin 0.4
     + 2787 BadMessageException wrapped as ServletException not handled
     + 2794 Generate p2 repos for Jetty 9.3.24.v20180605 and Jetty 9.2.25.v20180606
     + 2796 Max local stream count exceeded when request fails
     + 2798 ThreadPoolBudget logs WARN when minThreads == maxThreads (was:
       Reasoning behind ThreadPoolBudget warning logic change on 3/5/18)
     + 2807 Exclude TLS_RSA_* ciphers by default
     + 2811 SslContextFactory.dump incorrectly uses default enabled for determining
       "jre:disabled" flag
     + 2817 Change HttpClient and WebSocketClient default to always have SSL
       support enabled
     + 2821 AuthenticationProtocolHandler should not always cache
     + 2824 Every call to HttpServletRequest.getParameter*() methods results in a
       newly created Map object if both query and body content exist
     + 2828 connectionListener of AbstractHTTP2ServerConnectionFactory cause the
       low performance of concurrent connect of http2
     + 2832 Wrong initialization of HTTP/2 UnknownBodyParser
     + 2835 JarFileResource#lastModified() side effect is URL caching preventing
       hot redeploy on Windows
     + 2836 Sequential HTTPS requests may not reuse the same connection
     + 2844 Clean up webdefault.xml and DefaultServlet doc
     + 2846 add unit test for ldap module
     + 2847 Wrap Connection.Listener invocations in try/catch
     + 2860 Leakage of HttpDestinations in HttpClient
     + 2871 Server reads -1 after client resets HTTP/2 stream
  • jetty-9.4.12.RC2
    Tag for release: jetty-9.4.12.RC2
     + 307 Monitor contention in AbstractNCSARequestLog
     + 901 Overriding SSL context KeyStoreType requires explicit override of
     + 1688 Request with `Content-Encoding: gzip` should not perform parameter
     + 1905 Deprecate jetty-runner now, present warnings when using it on Java 9+
     + 2075 Deprecating MultiException
     + 2135 Android 8.1 needs direct buffers for SSL/TLS to work
     + 2342 File Descriptor Leak: Conscrypt: "Too many open files"
     + 2349 HTTP/2 max streams enforcement
     + 2398 MultiPartFormInputStream parsing should default to UTF-8, but allowed
       to be overridden by Request.setCharacterEncoding()
     + 2468 EWYK concurrent produce can fail SSL connections
     + 2501 Include accepting connections in connection limit.
     + 2530 Client waits forever for cancelled large uploads
     + 2560 Review PathResource exception handling
     + 2565 HashLoginService silently ignores file:/ config paths from 9.3.x
     + 2631 IllegalArgumentException: Buffering capacity exceeded, from HttpClient
       HEAD Requests to resources referencing large body contents
     + 2639 Missing p2 repo for Jetty 9.4.11
     + 2648 LdapLoginModule fails with forceBinding=true under Java 9
     + 2655 WebSocketClient not removing closed WebSocket Session's from managed
     + 2662 Remove unnecessary boxing conversions
     + 2663 Guard Throwable.addSuppressed() calls
     + 2672 Max local stream count exceeded for HttpClient with HTTP/2 transport
     + 2675 Demo rewrite rules prevent URL Session tracking
     + 2677 Decode URI before matching against "/favicon.ico"
     + 2679 HTTP/2 Spec Compliance
     + 2683 NPE in FrameFlusher toString()
     + 2684 MimeTypes.getAssumedEncodings() does not work
     + 2694 Bad DynamicImport-Package in Websocket Servlet
     + 2696 GcloudDataStore dependency generation broken
     + 2706 ResourceService may return 404 for unchanged content
     + 2717 Async requests are not considered when shutting down gracefully
     + 2722 Improve configurability for SETTINGS frames
     + 2730 Limit concurrent HTTP/2 pushed resources
     + 2737 HTTP Authentication parameters containing =
     + 2739 AuthenticationProtocolHandler Multiple Challenge Pattern
     + 2754 Don't eagerly instantiate @WebListener during annotation scan if it
       is explicitly referenced in the webapp descriptor as well
     + 2755 ManagedSelector 100% CPU spin
     + 2757 Possible double release of HTTP/2 ByteBuffers
     + 2762 Typo in
     + 2767 WebSocket Policy on JSR356 ClientContainer not represented correctly
     + 2777 Workaround for Conscrypt's ssl == null exception
     + 2796 Max local stream count exceeded when request fails
  • jetty-9.2.26.v20180806
    Tag for release: 9.2.26.v20180806
     + 2777 Workaround for Conscrypt's ssl == null
  • jetty-9.4.12.RC1
    Tag for release: jetty-9.4.12.RC1
     + 307 Monitor contention in AbstractNCSARequestLog
     + 901 Overriding SSL context KeyStoreType requires explicit override of
     + 1688 Request with `Content-Encoding: gzip` should not perform parameter
     + 1905 Deprecate jetty-runner now, present warnings when using it on Java 9+
     + 2075 Deprecating MultiException
     + 2135 Android 8.1 needs direct buffers for SSL/TLS to work
     + 2342 File Descriptor Leak: Conscrypt: "Too many open files"
     + 2349 HTTP/2 max streams enforcement
     + 2398 MultiPartFormInputStream parsing should default to UTF-8, but allowed
       to be overridden by Request.setCharacterEncoding()
     + 2468 EWYK concurrent produce can fail SSL connections
     + 2501 Include accepting connections in connection limit.
     + 2530 Client waits forever for cancelled large uploads
     + 2560 Review PathResource exception handling
     + 2565 HashLoginService silently ignores file:/ config paths from 9.3.x
     + 2631 IllegalArgumentException: Buffering capacity exceeded, from HttpClient
       HEAD Requests to resources referencing large body contents
     + 2648 LdapLoginModule fails with forceBinding=true under Java 9
     + 2655 WebSocketClient not removing closed WebSocket Session's from managed
     + 2662 Remove unnecessary boxing conversions
     + 2663 Guard Throwable.addSuppressed() calls
     + 2672 Max local stream count exceeded for HttpClient with HTTP/2 transport
     + 2675 Demo rewrite rules prevent URL Session tracking
     + 2677 Decode URI before matching against "/favicon.ico"
     + 2679 HTTP/2 Spec Compliance
     + 2683 NPE in FrameFlusher toString()
     + 2684 MimeTypes.getAssumedEncodings() does not work
     + 2694 Bad DynamicImport-Package in Websocket Servlet
     + 2696 GcloudDataStore dependency generation broken
     + 2706 ResourceService may return 404 for unchanged content
     + 2717 Async requests are not considered when shutting down gracefully
     + 2722 Improve configurability for SETTINGS frames
     + 2730 Limit concurrent HTTP/2 pushed resources
     + 2737 HTTP Authentication parameters containing =
     + 2755 ManagedSelector 100% CPU spin
     + 2757 Possible double release of HTTP/2 ByteBuffers
  • jetty-9.4.12.RC0
    Tag for release: jetty-9.4.12.RC0
     + 901 Overriding SSL context KeyStoreType requires explicit override of
     + 2075 Deprecating MultiException
     + 2342 File Descriptor Leak: Conscrypt: "Too many open files"
     + 2349 HTTP/2 max streams enforcement
     + 2398 MultiPartFormInputStream parsing should default to UTF-8, but allowed
       to be overridden by Request.setCharacterEncoding()
     + 2468 EWYK concurrent produce can fail SSL connections
     + 2501 Include accepting connections in connection limit.
     + 2530 Client waits forever for cancelled large uploads
     + 2560 Review PathResource exception handling
     + 2565 HashLoginService silently ignores file:/ config paths from 9.3.x
     + 2631 IllegalArgumentException: Buffering capacity exceeded, from HttpClient
       HEAD Requests to resources referencing large body contents
     + 2648 LdapLoginModule fails with forceBinding=true under Java 9
     + 2655 WebSocketClient not removing closed WebSocket Session's from managed
     + 2662 Unnecessary boxing conversions
     + 2663 Guard Throwable.addSuppressed() calls
     + 2672 Max local stream count exceeded for HttpClient with HTTP/2 transport
     + 2675 Demo rewrite rules prevent URL Session tracking
     + 2677 Decode URI before matching against "/favicon.ico"
     + 2683 NPE in FrameFlusher toString()
     + 2684 MimeTypes.getAssumedEncodings() does not work
     + 2694 Bad DynamicImport-Package in Websocket Servlet
     + 2696 GcloudDataStore dependency generation broken
     + 2717 Async requests are not considered when shutting down gracefully
  • jetty-9.4.8.v20180619
    Tag for release: jetty-9.4.8.v20180619
     + 2102 Backport FileSessionDataStore
  • jetty-9.4.7.v20180619
    Tag for release: jetty-9.4.7.v20180619
     + 2102 Backport FileSessionDataStore