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Tag for release: jetty-9.4.12.RC2

 + 307 Monitor contention in AbstractNCSARequestLog
 + 901 Overriding SSL context KeyStoreType requires explicit override of
 + 1688 Request with `Content-Encoding: gzip` should not perform parameter
 + 1905 Deprecate jetty-runner now, present warnings when using it on Java 9+
 + 2075 Deprecating MultiException
 + 2135 Android 8.1 needs direct buffers for SSL/TLS to work
 + 2342 File Descriptor Leak: Conscrypt: "Too many open files"
 + 2349 HTTP/2 max streams enforcement
 + 2398 MultiPartFormInputStream parsing should default to UTF-8, but allowed
   to be overridden by Request.setCharacterEncoding()
 + 2468 EWYK concurrent produce can fail SSL connections
 + 2501 Include accepting connections in connection limit.
 + 2530 Client waits forever for cancelled large uploads
 + 2560 Review PathResource exception handling
 + 2565 HashLoginService silently ignores file:/ config paths from 9.3.x
 + 2631 IllegalArgumentException: Buffering capacity exceeded, from HttpClient
   HEAD Requests to resources referencing large body contents
 + 2639 Missing p2 repo for Jetty 9.4.11
 + 2648 LdapLoginModule fails with forceBinding=true under Java 9
 + 2655 WebSocketClient not removing closed WebSocket Session's from managed
 + 2662 Remove unnecessary boxing conversions
 + 2663 Guard Throwable.addSuppressed() calls
 + 2672 Max local stream count exceeded for HttpClient with HTTP/2 transport
 + 2675 Demo rewrite rules prevent URL Session tracking
 + 2677 Decode URI before matching against "/favicon.ico"
 + 2679 HTTP/2 Spec Compliance
 + 2683 NPE in FrameFlusher toString()
 + 2684 MimeTypes.getAssumedEncodings() does not work
 + 2694 Bad DynamicImport-Package in Websocket Servlet
 + 2696 GcloudDataStore dependency generation broken
 + 2706 ResourceService may return 404 for unchanged content
 + 2717 Async requests are not considered when shutting down gracefully
 + 2722 Improve configurability for SETTINGS frames
 + 2730 Limit concurrent HTTP/2 pushed resources
 + 2737 HTTP Authentication parameters containing =
 + 2739 AuthenticationProtocolHandler Multiple Challenge Pattern
 + 2754 Don't eagerly instantiate @WebListener during annotation scan if it
   is explicitly referenced in the webapp descriptor as well
 + 2755 ManagedSelector 100% CPU spin
 + 2757 Possible double release of HTTP/2 ByteBuffers
 + 2762 Typo in
 + 2767 WebSocket Policy on JSR356 ClientContainer not represented correctly
 + 2777 Workaround for Conscrypt's ssl == null exception
 + 2796 Max local stream count exceeded when request fails