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Tag for release: jetty-9.4.19.v20190610
 + 2909 Remove B64Code
 + 3332 jetty-maven-plugin - transitive dependencies not loaded from
 + 3498 WebSocket Session.suspend() now suspends incoming frames instead
   of reads
 + 3534 Use System nanoTime, not currentTimeMillis for IdleTimeout
 + 3550 Server becomes unresponsive after sitting idle from a load spike
 + 3562 InetAccessHandler should be able to apply to a certain port or
 + 3568 Make UserStore able to be started/stopped with its LoginService
 + 3583 jetty-maven plugin in multi-module-project does not use files from
   /target/test-classes folder of dependent projects
 + 3605 IdleTimeout with Jetty HTTP/2 and InputStreamResponseListener
 + 3608 Reply with 400 Bad request to malformed WebSocket handshake
 + 3616 Backport WebSocket SessionTracker from Jetty 10
 + 3620 Use of `throwUnavailableOnStartupException=true` does not stop Server
   in jetty-home
 + 3627 Only renew session id when spnego authentication is fully complete
 + 3628 NPE in QueuedThreadPool.getReservedThreads()
 + 3630 X-Forwarded-For missing last hextet for ipv6
 + 3633 endpointIdentificationAlgorithm enabled by default
 + 3653 access control exception if programmatic security manager is used
 + 3655 Spaces missing on Cookies generated via RFC6265
 + 3663 Remove deprecation of HttpClient replacement methods in WebSocketClient
 + 3680 Bom manages non-existent infinispan-remote and infinispan-embedded
   dependencies due to config classifier
 + 3683 Multipart file not deleted when client aborts upload
 + 3690 Upgrade to asm 7.1
 + 3713 Emit warning when invoking deprecated method in Jetty XML
 + 3715 Improve Log.condensePackage performance
 + 3722 HttpSessionListener.sessionDestroyed should be able to access webapp
 + 3726 Remove OSGi export uses of servlet-api from jetty-util
 + 3729 Make creation of java:comp/env threadsafe
 + 3743 Update XmlConfiguration usage in Jetty to always use Constructors that
   provide Location information
 + 3748 @Resource field not injected in Jetty Demo
 + 3750 NPE in WebSocketClient.toString()
 + 3751 Modern Configure DTD / FPI is used inconsistently