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This project is mirrored from Pull mirroring updated .
  • jetty-12.0.13
    Tag for release: jetty-12.0.13
     + 3184 Make LifeCycle implement AutoCloseable
     + 3553 Support sslSession() in Jetty Client
     + 6514 How to warm up SslConnection
     + 9121 Jetty 12 - Flaky
     + 11322 Change jetty-nosql MongoDB dependency from unmaintained
       mongo-java-driver to mongodb-driver-sync
     + 11408 Jetty start module property values with ${expr} are not being expanded
     + 11434 resolve differences in EE9/EE10/Core AliasCheckerSymlinkTests
     + 11822 h2 server responses exceeding SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE do not
       result in RST_STREAM or GOAWAY
     + 11926 File upload puzzle
     + 12063 Introduce Jetty module for HTTP/2 client dependencies
     + 12094 Possible regression in ContextFactory.getObjectInstance() between
       Jetty 11.0.22 and 12.0.11
     + 12104 Error handling on ee9 / ee8 with HTTP/1.0 can result in an empty
       `Connection: ` response header.
     + 12120 Introduce properties for cipher suites
     + 12122 NPE in HttpReceiver.responseContentAvailable()
     + 12124 JSP temp directory regression, possibly due to fix for #12044
     + 12128 How do I configure embedded Jetty to serve webjars?
     + 12154 Is it possible to define max number of virtual threads when
       VirtualThreadsExecutor is enabled, i.e. max number of http requests being
       handled in the same time?
     + 12158 Jetty12 migration help
     + 12163 HttpConfiguration dump is missing entries
     + 12171 QoSHandler does not resume on a virtual thread
     + 12173 Jetty Maven Plugin - jetty:run does not work with pom type
     + 12175 `SslContextFactory` is hardcoded to use `Password`.
     + 12185 QosHandler suspend queue limit
     + 12207 Jetty Maven Plugin 12.x no longer configures `DefaultHandler`
     + 12212 ShutdownOutput for non-persistent HTTP/1 connections
  • jetty-11.0.24
    jetty-11.0.24 - 26 August 2024
     + 12201 backport ThreadLimitHandler improvements from Jetty 12
  • jetty-10.0.24
    jetty-10.0.24 - 26 August 2024
     + 12201 backport ThreadLimitHandler improvements from Jetty 12
  • jetty-9.4.56.v20240826
    jetty-9.4.56.v20240826 - 26 August 2024
     + 12200 Backport ThreadLimitHandler improvements from Jetty 12
  • jetty-11.0.23
    jetty-11.0.23 - 13 August 2024
     + 12041 backport tracking retainable pool from Jetty 12
     + 12156 Improvements to HttpConnection when reading 0 bytes
  • jetty-10.0.23
    jetty-10.0.23 - 13 August 2024
     + 12041 backport tracking retainable pool from Jetty 12
     + 12156 Improvements to HttpConnection when reading 0 bytes
  • jetty-12.0.12
    jetty-12.0.12 - 25 July 2024
     + 265 --list-config license enhancement
     + 10904 reports FAILED too early
     + 11965 Client: Some HTTP/2 requests are never sent
     + 11996 mTLS: client cert verification for QUIC/HTTP3
     + 12000 Cannot use Paths that have spaces with `jetty-ee10-maven-plugin`
     + 12018 NPE when passing null value to Request.param
     + 12019 External property file not being read
     + 12022 Intermittent NPE in OutputStream.close with GzipHandler
     + 12044 Temp directory not deleted in jetty-12
     + 12070 lastAccessedTime and isNew not getting updated
     + 12086 Serve favicon.ico as image/ instead of image/x-icon
  • jetty-12.0.11
    jetty-12.0.11 - 27 June 2024
     + 11803 Follow Reactive Stream TCK for ContentSourcePublisher implementation
     + 11811 getHeaderNames should return header name once also when request has it
       in different case
     + 11847 replacement for GlobalWebappConfigBinding
     + 11873 Server resources are not found if the server is subclassed in a
       different package
     + 11892 mtls not working with http/3
     + 11902 Un-deprecate WebAppClassLoading.addHiddenClasses(Attributes
       attributes, String... patterns) method
     + 11909 Start throws ConcurrentModificationException if an `eeX-webapp.ini`
       exists in `start.d` with a command line like: `java -jar
       ../jetty-home/start.jar --module=server,http,ee8-webapp,ee8-deploy`
     + 11911 11 -> 12 Migration guide wrongly suggests Request.getHttpURI as
       replacement for HttpServletRequest.getRequestURL
     + 11917 Update XML configure.dtd locations to new website
     + 11925 java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke
       "String.startsWith(String)" because "etag" is null
     + 11932 Review HttpSender.ContentSender (and other ICB) to remove overridden
       succeeded method
     + 11944 Jetty Part#delete() implementation throws IOException
  • jetty-11.0.22
    jetty-11.0.22 - 27 June 2024
     + 11917 Update XML configure.dtd locations to new website
  • jetty-10.0.22
    jetty-10.0.22 - 27 June 2024
     + 11917 Update XML configure.dtd locations to new website
  • jetty-9.4.55.v20240627
    jetty-9.4.55.v20240627 - 27 June 2024
     + 10805 Jetty response with an invalid HTTP2 packet if the client set the
       hpack table size as 0
     + 11917 Update XML configure.dtd locations to new website
  • jetty-12.0.10
    Tag for release: jetty-12.0.10
     + 1470 Replace Timer use with Jetty Scheduler
     + 9177 Add JVM info and OS info to Dumpable.dump()
     + 9778 Jetty 12 - Remove WriteFlusher.Listener
     + 11072 Jetty 12: CompleteCallbackHandler
     + 11507 org.eclipse.jetty.util.Attributes.getAttribute() should specify return
       type if no match is found
     + 11659 HTTP Fields with OWS (Optional WhiteSpace) in value are not properly
       parsed in Jetty 12
     + 11736 Issue with Response OutputStream#close() rethrowing same EofException
     + 11745 Issue while adding Module for Persistent HTTP Sessions: Google Cloud
     + 11748 Unexpected HTTP Response Status Code: 404 Not Found
     + 11756 ChunkAccumulator not working with empty chunks
     + 11760 request.getHttpURI().getScheme() is null on FORWARD dispatched
       request, causing NPE
     + 11761 Update documentation for #10077
     + 11763 Race condition in QoSHandler
     + 11766 Ensure ReadListener is nulled out when AsyncContext is completed.
     + 11767 Backward compat API WebAppContext.getServerClassMatcher() is not
       updating the WebAppClassloader
     + 11776 NPE from `org.eclipse.jetty.ee8.nested.Request.getRequestURL`
     + 11778 jetty-http-spi does not properly provide SPI for modules
     + 11791 How to configure Jetty Server v12 ee10 for serving multiple static
       resources in the same base directory?
     + 11792 StdErrAppender should detect exception circular references
     + 11800 client: Allow AsyncContentListener.onContent to throw checked
     + 11811 getHeaderNames should return header name once also when request has it
       in different case
     + 11851 jetty-ee8-websocket-javax-server export not honoured
  • jetty-11.0.21
    Tag for release: jetty-11.0.21
     + 10805 Jetty response with an invalid HTTP2 packet if the client set the
       hpack table size as 0
     + 11527 Reduce ByteBuffer churning in HttpOutput
     + 11634 Socks5Proxy does not support IP addresses with IP segments above 127
     + 11656 Upgrade jetty-quiche-native to version 0.21.0
     + 11782 HttpExchange retained by HttpSenderOverHTTP which caused memory leak
  • jetty-10.0.21
    Tag for release: jetty-10.0.21
     + 10805 Jetty response with an invalid HTTP2 packet if the client set the
       hpack table size as 0
     + 11527 Reduce ByteBuffer churning in HttpOutput
     + 11634 Socks5Proxy does not support IP addresses with IP segments above 127
     + 11656 Upgrade jetty-quiche-native to version 0.21.0
     + 11782 HttpExchange retained by HttpSenderOverHTTP which caused memory leak
  • jetty-12.0.9
    jetty-12.0.9 - 03 May 2024
     + 5944 Introduce alias --files for --download
     + 5945 Introduce alias --skip-create-files to replace --skip-file-validation
     + 5946 Introduce alias for --include-jetty-dir
     + 9487 Jetty 12 - Upgrade Infinispan to version 15.x
     + 11026 Start Stop issue with Jetty 12 - state file not deleted every time
     + 11420 HTTP/3 Race with Dynamic Table referencing in QPackDecoder
     + 11488 Inconsistent default port number in HttpURI and HostPort
     + 11490 CustomRequestLog.ignorePath doesn't work as documented
     + 11514 Start properties `jetty.webapp.addServerClasses` and
       `jetty.webapp.addSystemClasses` are not applied during ee8/ee9 deployments
     + 11573 Introduce new `disable-urlcache` module to globally disable JVM URL
       caching of `jar` protocol references
     + 11597 Document Request Customizers
     + 11631 NPE in error handling leading to 100% CPU
     + 11634 Socks5Proxy does not support IP addresses with IP segments above 127
     + 11642 Restore jetty-ee8-runner
     + 11648 Introduce new HttpDateTime class for parsing obsolete Date formats in
       HTTP and Cookie
     + 11656 Upgrade jetty-quiche-native to version 0.21.0
     + 11659 HTTP Fields with OWS (Optional WhiteSpace) in value are not properly
       parsed in Jetty 12
     + 11679 Jetty 12.0.8 seems to leak connection when it encounters earlyEOF
     + 11687 `HttpFields$Mutable$Wrapper.computeField()` incorrectly calls
       `onAddField()` when null is returned by `computeFn`
     + 11699 new IllegalStateException when attempting to access Request/Response
       outside of Request Lifecycle
     + 11705 jetty-decorate.xml and jetty-web-decorate.xml in jetty-deploy
       reference ee specific classes
  • jetty-12.0.8
    jetty-12.0.8 - 29 March 2024
     + 5857 Deprecate AbstractConnectionPool "callback" methods
     + 7647 Document org.eclipse.jetty.client.Socks4Proxy "secure" parameter
     + 10387 Fix or suppress javadoc warnings
     + 10805 Jetty response with an invalid HTTP2 packet if the client set the
       hpack table size as 0
     + 11263 Using `jetty.version` override from jetty-start does not use version
       for various environment libs.
     + 11411 Allow non existant resources to be obtained from Resource.resolve()
     + 11482 The StatisticsHandler doesn't count 2xx codes
     + 11495 Add UriCompliance rules that follow the HTTP / URI / Servlet specs for
       illegal & suspicious characters
     + 11510 Occasional NPE in ClassMatcher.match() from
       WebAppClassLoader.loadClass() usage
     + 11513 Perf regression in the HTTP parser caused by long look-ahead
     + 11527 Reduce ByteBuffer churning in HttpOutput
     + 11539 `Resource.copyTo(Resource)` has different behavior from Jetty 9/10/11
     + 11548 java.nio.file.ClosedFileSystemException on hot redeploy
     + 11553 Restore startWebapp() to WebAppContext
     + 11558 New tmp directory should be created on every `WebAppContext` start, if
       not explicitly configured
     + 11563 HttpClient hangs intermittently before end of
     + 11567 DefaultServlet should resolve its resourceBase relative to the
       ServletContextHandler resourceBase
     + 11572 Deploy behaves differently when both WAR and XML exist in
       ${jetty.base}/webapps/ and you update the XML vs updating the WAR.
     + 11574 shibboleth idp webapp under jetty 12.0.7
  • jetty-12.0.7
     + 6140 Report total number of keys in SelectorManager
     + 7750 HttpURI.toURI() does not copy fragment
     + 8887 Jetty-12 client calls onDataAvailable with producing thread
     + 8979 Jetty 12 - HttpClientTransport network "modes"
     + 10805 Jetty response with an invalid HTTP2 packet if the client set the
       hpack table size as 0
     + 11278 500 response when trying to display symlinked directory
     + 11310 Uploading big multipart files via jetty 12.0.5 with spring boot 3.2.1
       cause problems
     + 11353 The default virtual thread executor should created named threads
     + 11356 Allow ServerWebSocketContainer to be created without ContextHandler
     + 11361 Update UriCompliance.checkUriCompliance
     + 11363 ContentSourcePublisher throws from request
     + 11370 IllegalStateException when last write fails
     + 11371 Review ArrayByteBufferPool eviction
     + 11372 Scheduler queue in the HTTP client grows infinitely when a server
       times out
     + 11377 Jetty 12 fails to start WebApp Bundle with OSGi Boot bundle (or when
     + 11387 Reintroduce MultiPartCompliance.LEGACY (not as default) too allow for
       parsing of non-compliant `multipart/form-data`
     + 11396 NullPointerException when getting parts from HttpServletRequest
     + 11398 WebSocket ClosedChannelException when demanding frames in onOpen
     + 11401 Replace StringBuffer with StringBuilder
     + 11403 Expose `SslEndPoint` in `SslHandshakeListener`
     + 11410 PathMappingsHandler does not start ResourceHandler properly
     + 11414 When producing URI/URL strings follow spec and produce lowercase
       schemes and drop default ports
     + 11424 What is the `jetty.deploy.scanInterval` default?  module, ini, code,
       and documentation do not agree.
     + 11432 Review number of acceptor threads
     + 11441 Quote escaping in HTML file
     + 11448 UriCompliance.Violation ignored despite being set
     + 11465 HttpURI.toURI() sets userInfo to null
  • jetty-9.4.54.v20240208
     + 1256 DoSFilter leaks USER_AUTH entries
     + 11259 HTTP/2 connection not closed after idle timeout when TCP congested
     + 11389 Strip default ports on ws/wss scheme uris too
  • jetty-9.4.54.v20240207
     + 1256 DoSFilter leaks USER_AUTH entries
     + 11259 HTTP/2 connection not closed after idle timeout when TCP congested
  • jetty-12.0.6
     + 10220 Implement CrossOriginHandler
     + 10870 How to set HttpConfiguration.securePort when the HTTPS port is
     + 11080 Can't able to make multipart request and getting error.
     + 11081 Dropped WebSocket messages due to race condition in WebSocket frame
     + 11095 Jetty 12.0.5 (ee10) throws IllegalStateException for completed
       requests when Gzip Handler is used
     + 11096 IllegalAccessException when invoking WebSocket end point methods in
       Jetty 12
     + 11098 Sporadic NPE in ArrayByteBufferPool.evict()
     + 11213 Improve programming guide WebSocket JPMS documentation
     + 11220 ContextHandler(anyHandler) NPE during .<init> logging  'because
       "this._vhosts" is null'
     + 11223 WebSocketClient.connect with URI including query parameters don't work
       for HTTP2 connector
     + 11230 Problem with parsing of form parameters without values in Jetty 12?
     + 11253 Jetty 12 ComplianceViolation.Listener not notified for URI, Cookie,
       and Multipart violations.
     + 11259 HTTP/2 connection not closed after idle timeout when TCP congested
     + 11260 QuickStartConfiguration cannot be mixed with contexts that do not have
       a `WEB-INF/quickstart-web.xml`
     + 11263 Using `jetty.version` override from jetty-start does not use version
       for various environment libs.
     + 11273 Support BSD expr in startup script
     + 11275 Jakarta websocket @OnMessage with Reader parameter stops working when
       there is an unhandled exception
     + 11280 Jetty 12 EE10 OSGi Boot invalid jetty.xml Handler configuration
     + 11281 Failed LOG.debug() with MultiPart
     + 11282 Deadlocks with DEBUG logging enabled in jetty-server testing
     + 11290 HTTP 400 and NPE in HttpParser for blank header value in Jetty 12.x
     + 11296 AbstractLoginModule porting issue
     + 11299 EE8/9 `DefaultServlet.doPost()` doesn't behave like Jetty 10/11
     + 11303 `JettyWebSocketFrameHandler` incorrectly relies on `autoDemand` when
       handlers are not registered
     + 11312 baseResource/resourceBase is no longer extracted from ServletContext
     + 11317 Cleanup usages of `addBean(Object)` from constructors
     + 11329 Jetty 11->12 migration guide has incorrect new artifact names
     + 11339 Content-type additional parameters
     + 11349 Update quiche to 0.20.0