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jetty-12.0.12 - 25 July 2024

 + 265 --list-config license enhancement
 + 10904 reports FAILED too early
 + 11965 Client: Some HTTP/2 requests are never sent
 + 11996 mTLS: client cert verification for QUIC/HTTP3
 + 12000 Cannot use Paths that have spaces with `jetty-ee10-maven-plugin`
 + 12018 NPE when passing null value to Request.param
 + 12019 External property file not being read
 + 12022 Intermittent NPE in OutputStream.close with GzipHandler
 + 12044 Temp directory not deleted in jetty-12
 + 12070 lastAccessedTime and isNew not getting updated
 + 12086 Serve favicon.ico as image/ instead of image/x-icon