Stealth Tracking Issue
Stealth mechanics are fun. Currently stealth is fairly simple. Crouching/rolling makes NPC's not notice you from as far away (reduces sight distance by 4x IIRC). NPCs also have a varying detection radius based on line of sight. NPCs do not "hear" and they do not "see" light propagating (lanterns). Darkness and shadows have no effect. Neither do sounds. An explosion right behind an NPC with its back turned has no effect.
Desired features:
Make NPCs aware of light
- Make some species/races have better/worse (night) vision
Require targets to be visible before being recognized on line of sight
- Shadows/darkness should reduce visibility. A potential implementation would follow the same pattern described below for sound.
- Make NPCs aware of sound. One potential method of implementation would be to attach a sound component (or sound field to an existing component struct). The agent code could then query the sound level of surrounding entities to decide whether to investigate. If a ray cast to the suspect entity runs into a wall before hitting the entity, the sound would be muffled.
- Armor makes noise, and different kinds of armor make different amounts of noise. Moving at different speeds increases/decreases volume/sound
- Movement makes in-game noise (not just sfx in the client). Different underfoot materials should have an effect.
- In-game non-player sounds (explosions etc.) should be noticed by NPCs
- Disguises make you less suspicious (eg. if wearing cultist gear, cultists should be less likely to aggro on sight)
- Make stealth viable against other players. Perhaps make crouching characters slightly transparent?
Group awareness will also help greatly, but that is for another issue.
Add other thoughts as deemed proper :)