Combat Tracking Issue
This is a spot to track all combat related things that need to be implemented, as well as coordinate who is working on what. When you start working on something here, check the box; when it merges delete the bullet point. If you have any questions, ping me in the discord (I'm Sam, the combat team lead).
Beginner Things
- Create unique ability sets and combat AI for creatures that are using placeholder abilities
- Ping @Gemu or @UncomfySilence in the discord for information on what creatures are most in need
Overhaul Dungeons
- Gnarlings
- Adlets
- Sahagin
- Haniwa
- Myrmidon
- Cultists
General Combat Mechanics
- Durability
- Dying/downed state, see second half of document
Weapon Skill Tree Reworks
Until sword is reworked and feedback has been used to adjust the general structure and mechanics of skill trees, all other skill tree reworks are blocked. Skill tree reworks require abilities to be created, animations, UI, and rewrite of humanoid combat AI for that weapon
- Sword
- Axe
- Hammer
- Bow
- Staff
- Sceptre
Weapon Additions
The following weapons are either in the game and do not yet have attacks and abilities implemented (beyond placeholder ones), or have a variant in the game but not yet implemented themselves Adding new weapons is blocked on, at minimum, the sword skill tree rework, and in preference the other 5 skill tree reworks
- Dagger
- Shield
- Ice magic weapon
- Spear