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Resolve "Remove (deprecated, non-faceting) `generic.errorbar` plot"

This MR removes the deprecated errorbar and errorbands non-faceting plot functions. As the deprecation was already applied in %Version 0.15, this should not be a big disruption now.

How to migrate plots

  • Use facet_grid instead and set kind: errorbars
  • To use errorbands, set use_bands: true
  • The facet_grid function expects an xr.Dataset and the y and yerr arguments:
  creator: pyplot
  module: .generic
  plot_func: facet_grid
  kind: errorbars
  use_bands: true

    # ...
    - xr.Dataset:
      - mean: !dag_tag mean
        std: !dag_tag std

  y: mean
  yerr: std

Can this MR be accepted?

  • Implementation ready
  • Tests added or adjusted
  • Documentation extended or updated
  • Code quality
  • Ready for merging
    • Pipeline passes without warnings
    • History cleaned-up or squash option set
    • Changelog entry added
    • Version number bumped
    • Reviewed & approved

Related issues

Closes #314 (closed)

Edited by Yunus Sevinchan

Merge request reports