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Draft: IndicatorMenuItemFactory: support new x-ayatana-progress attribute

ayatana-indicator-power 23.6.0 now sends the value for org.ayatana. indicator.progress in the extended attribute instead. Like switchMenu, use introspection to support both old and new versions.

Also require a support from QMenuModel for uint16 value type.

Fixes: #70 (closed)
Bug: ubports/development/core/packaging/ayatana-indicators/ayatana-indicator-bluetooth#3

That said, since ayatana-indicator-power uses org.ayatana.indicator.level on other DEs anyway, it might makes more sense to just adopt that as a new type here, and leave .progress at the old convention (value over an Action)... (we can patch a-i-power to stop special-casing Lomiri)

Not quite sure if there's any other users of {com.canonical,org.ayatana}.indicator.progress, actually...

Edited by Ratchanan Srirattanamet

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