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[Version-unspecific] Add MaxRuneSupply to Admin deny list

Multipartite requested to merge Multi/deny-admin-MaxRuneSupply into develop


Following feedback on !2851 (closed) 'Lending Module RUNE balance for Lending RUNE accounting',
this is intended as an alternative approach to address this part of #1538 (closed):

Like #1534 (closed)
'Arbitrarily-high LendingLever can set totalAvailableRuneForProtocol arbitrarily high',
this is partly to keep a Mimir key (here MaxRuneSupply rather than LendingLever)
from being able to set totalAvailableRuneForProtocol arbitrarily high.

The format used is that of !2858 (merged) 'Expand admin mimir denylist'
which requires that Admin have never previously set the Mimir key.
For MaxRuneSupply, this has been checked with the below Flipside code.

SELECT fact_set_mimir_events.block_timestamp, block_id, key, value
FROM (thorchain.core.fact_set_mimir_events INNER JOIN thorchain.core.dim_block 
  ON fact_set_mimir_events.dim_block_id = dim_block.dim_block_id)
HAVING UPPER(key) = UPPER('MaxRuneSupply')
ORDER BY block_id DESC

As with Lending mint-burn code (in contrast with module-transfer code) MaxRuneSupply set arbitrarily high can set totalAvailableRuneForProtocol arbitrarily high,
unrestrained by the Circuit Breaker (as MaxRuneSupply controls the Circuit Breaker),
I currently strongly prefer it to only be alterable with the consent of a node supermajority,
noting that node bonds are 100% RUNE exposure and thus they are arguably most affected by the hypothetical ramifications.

This is a level of influence over THORChain's economics that I currently strongly prefer to never be controllable by any single entity.

Merge request reports