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[V113-specific] DollarInRune -> DollarsPerRune

Multipartite requested to merge Multi/DollarsPerRune into develop


[2023-05-03 update: Issue #1524 (closed) submitted for this.]

Intended for use with !2830 (merged) 'GetFee DollarInRune-usage correction', particularly prompted by this comment.

Being in a separate Merge Request is to keep the #check-link-warning refactor separate and easier to review;
the version-specificity is the associated change of which Mimir key is checked.

DollarInRuneV1 retains the same function name as it uses AssetValueInRune (and thus does what it says on the tin)
in contrast with later versions which call anchorMedian, which instead uses RuneValueInAsset to do something very different.

(Particularly if intending RUNE to capture and appreciate in value relative to fiat currency,
using DollarsPerRune (RUNE price in USD) currently appears intuitive to me.)

Reviewing commit history, the deliberate change of TestDollarInRune test results from (v1.101.0)

	runeUSDPrice := telem(DollarInRune(ctx, mgr))
	c.Assert(runeUSDPrice, Equals, float32(0.12047733))

to (v1.102.0)

	runeUSDPrice := telem(DollarInRune(ctx, mgr).QuoUint64(constants.DollarMulti))
	c.Assert(runeUSDPrice, Equals, float32(8.300317))

, including the 'runeUSDPrice' phrasing, reassures me that this change from RUNE-per-1-USD to USD-per-1-RUNE was intentional.

Edited by Multipartite

Merge request reports