[feature] Circuit Breaker
This contains 1/2 of the circuit breaker. The change here is that if we mint more than the max supply of rune, burn some rune from the reserve to restore the supply at 500m.
The second part is pausing opening of loans in this scenario.
Code Walkthrough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6gZ77DdMrc
Merge request reports
added lending label
changed milestone to %Release-1.103.0
- Resolved by Son of Odin
- Resolved by Son of Odin
- Resolved by Son of Odin
- Resolved by Son of Odin
I was for some reason under the impression that the idea of the circuit breaker was to just fail the mint in the transaction once we hit the cap instead of burning the reserve to rectify it, was that never on the table? If that were the case it would force savers and borrowers to assume the risk of their deposit getting stuck and having to wait until a better time. If we burn the reserve then RUNE holders and nodes subsidize impatient users, and I'm unsure how I feel about that.
mentioned in merge request !2713 (merged)
changed milestone to %Release-1.104.0
added 2 commits
- Resolved by Ursa (9R)
I would still personally prefer skipping the reserve burn and just allowing the inflation, but sounds like in discussion that I missed everyone came to agreement on the reserve burn so I defer to the consensus - code LGTM.
changed milestone to %Release-1.105.0
removed milestone %Release-1.105.0
on the same page as @ursa9r, code looks good, if consensus is to burn, i'll smash approve
changed milestone to %Release-1.107.0
removed milestone %Release-1.107.0
mentioned in issue #1501 (closed)
added 79 commits
Toggle commit list- Resolved by Son of Odin
Failing regtest
changed milestone to %Release-1.108.0
- Resolved by Multipartite
added 1 commit
- 31e7bc01 - agreeing to this change for the following reason.
- Resolved by Son of Odin
- Resolved by Son of Odin
mentioned in merge request !2851 (closed)
changed milestone to %Release-1.109.0
added 17 commits
7ba941f3...e30a94c2 - 7 commits from branch
- e0fc44b9 - circuit breaker
- d080173f - remove swap change
- c16b5b5a - remove debug lines
- 8ea5ab08 - PR feedback
- acb4f600 - rebase
- 1592a97b - bump version to 104
- 40d08d65 - undo swap changes
- d204b933 - bump version to 108
- 10a0c338 - fix regression tests
- 6cd87156 - bump version to 109
Toggle commit list-
7ba941f3...e30a94c2 - 7 commits from branch
added 13 commits
- 6cd87156...437495e9 - 3 earlier commits
- ddeaef6d - PR feedback
- 0cd83b5e - rebase
- b2dec64d - bump version to 104
- bf2bbf10 - undo swap changes
- 63505068 - bump version to 108
- 4f915b14 - fix regression tests
- 25842815 - agreeing to this change for the following reason.
- 3789a3ce - Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
- 6a635c94 - Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
- 53f0300b - bump version to 109
Toggle commit listadded 18 commits
5b0fcbe4...085d644a - 8 commits from branch
- c10222f4 - circuit breaker
- 88bf3bb3 - remove swap change
- 793c5337 - remove debug lines
- 0d2410ba - PR feedback
- 14b8b464 - rebase
- 749c2621 - bump version to 104
- 3d13b77e - undo swap changes
- 0493c605 - bump version to 108
- 78da24c2 - fix regression tests
- fc25d18d - bump version to 109
Toggle commit list-
5b0fcbe4...085d644a - 8 commits from branch