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vaults_migrating /network boolean


As per this discussion thread, a single boolean to indicate whether vaults are migrating or not,
rather than attempting a possibly-inaccurate (or -misleading for a stuck migration) churn_migration_round count
or a /nodes node-by-node vault-by-vault membership check (which would increase /nodes loading time even further).

More specifically, in reference to this and this,
this MR is intended to be a straightforward source-of-truth THORNode endpoint that can close #1433/!2637 (closed)/#1432 (closed)/!2634 (closed).
I request feedback on whether #1435 (closed) will be closed or still needs its own MR,
and (if not closed) particularly whether it would be appropriate to put in a guardrail for if someone tried to set ChurnMigrationRoundCount lower than (expected?) ActiveVaults.

This MR includes a "fail to get vault" -> "fail to get network" error correction and a rearrangement of the openapi NetworkResponse schema to match the forced alphabetical display order.

A Mocknet screenshot:


Edited by Multipartite

Merge request reports