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EVM: test e2e of reboot scheduling


Context: #5873 (closed), #6138 (closed)

Previous: !9369 (merged)

Next: !9444 (merged)

Adds an e2e test of the reboot mechanism: a large number of transactions, sufficiently long to consume too much gas to be done in a single kernel_run are executed. At the end, all transactions must have been executed, and the amount of gas used must be superior to 11_000_000_000 / 2000. Note that this limit is a rough estimation and the reboot mechanism should be more conservative than that.

This MR adds the storage of the gas used in a block, and the reading of that information by the proxy node.

A test scenario is described using the same API as the benchmark scenarios: a script the ouput the list of transactions, in order, to be given to the proxynode.

Manually testing the MR

 dune exec tezt/tests/main.exe -- reboot --file


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Edited by Antonio Locascio

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