WASM PVM: Unlock WASM stack size for V1
- Depends on !8374 (merged) to be sure we don’t break anything
Based on the regression test, where we construct a stack counting up to 100,000 frames. In practice, it looks like this does not hurt the size of the proofs. Behold!
The limit 60_000 has been chosen such that the simplest WASM program consisting in trying to recursively call 60,000 times the same function results in Wasmer raising a runtime error.
(module (memory 1) (export "mem" (memory 0)) (func $aux (param $n i32) (i32.ne (local.get $n) (i32.const 0)) (if (then (call $aux (i32.sub (local.get $n) (i32.const 1)))))) (func (export "kernel_run") (call $aux (i32.const 66_000))))
As a result, the key idea is that any program executing with Wasmer without an error could be executing by the WASM PVM.
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Edited by Thomas Letan