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Proto/bench: remove redundant intercept benchmarks


Resolves #5341 (closed)

Manually testing the MR

Before this MR:

$ ./octez-snoop list all benchmarks | grep "interpreter/N_I\(Int_nat\|Is_nat\|Ediv_tez\)"
interpreter/N_IEdiv_tez: Benchmark N_IEdiv_tez
interpreter/N_IEdiv_tez/intercept: Benchmark N_IEdiv_tez (intercept case)
interpreter/N_IEdiv_teznat: Benchmark N_IEdiv_teznat
interpreter/N_IInt_nat: Benchmark N_IInt_nat
interpreter/N_IInt_nat/intercept: Benchmark N_IInt_nat (intercept case)
interpreter/N_IIs_nat: Benchmark N_IIs_nat
interpreter/N_IIs_nat/intercept: Benchmark N_IIs_nat (intercept case)

After this MR:

$ ./octez-snoop list all benchmarks | grep "interpreter/N_I\(Int_nat\|Is_nat\|Ediv_tez\)"
interpreter/N_IEdiv_tez: Benchmark N_IEdiv_tez
interpreter/N_IEdiv_teznat: Benchmark N_IEdiv_teznat
interpreter/N_IInt_nat: Benchmark N_IInt_nat
interpreter/N_IIs_nat: Benchmark N_IIs_nat

(For auto-build users; run ./octez-snoop auto-build interpreter/N_IEdiv_tez interpreter/N_IIs_nat interpreter/N_IInt_nat --out-dir dir)


  • Document the interface of any function added or modified (see the coding guidelines)
  • Document any change to the user interface, including configuration parameters (see node configuration)
  • Provide automatic testing (see the testing guide).
  • For new features and bug fixes, add an item in the appropriate changelog (docs/protocols/alpha.rst for the protocol and the environment, CHANGES.rst at the root of the repository for everything else).
  • Select suitable reviewers using the Reviewers field below.
  • Select as Assignee the next person who should take action on that MR
Edited by satos

Merge request reports