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Proto: SCORU: relax dissection rules slightly


A small MR to fix another corner-case in the refutation game. Basically the rules around allowed dissection shapes were too strict when coupled with the requirement that only the final state in a dissection can be None.

Suppose that the honest play would be to supply None states after only a few ticks in the dissection; this would limit the maximum dissection size to less than 32---but there's no way for the L1 to know that that is the case. This could be fixed in two ways:

a) Weaken the requirement that dissections have length 32 where 'possible', as well as the requirement for dissections to be well-spaced (maximum step size less than half the whole dissection length). This would be bad because it would affect the maximum game length, making it linear in the number of ticks.

b) Weaken the requirement that None only appear at the end of a dissection. I don't see a problem with this, and it's the approach in this MR. We still require the dissection to start with a Some state but after that they can all be None (sometimes, that's the honest play!)

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