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Protocol_compiler: Make build runtest_compile_protocol return no warning + fix error message hash order


Based on !5524 (merged) Co-author: @hhugo1

After reading this log:

It's difficult to read because of all the errors. This MR disables warnings in the protocol compiler based on disabled warnings in the manifest . My reasoning (to be verified by someone in the know):

These warnings appear when compiling e.g. protocol 001 and 010, presumably since OCaml 4.12. We cannot fix these warnings in old protocols: protocols are immutable. We cannot introduce them in newer protocols: it would break the normal build. We can therefore hide them.

Also, surely the hashes here should be in the other order (PtGRANAD was the expected hash no?):

$ dune build @runtest_compile_protocol
tezos-protocol-compiler alias src/proto_010_PtGRANAD/lib_protocol/runtest_compile_protocol (exit 2)
(cd _build/default/src/proto_010_PtGRANAD/lib_protocol && ../../../../install/default/bin/tezos-protocol-compiler .)
Inconsistent hash for protocol in TEZOS_PROTOCOL.
Found: PtGRANADsDU8R9daYKAgWnQYAJ64omN1o3KMGVCykShA97vQbvV
Expected: PsCjGP2YEDvUnJmBQ2qu9hKqqjaWnjokRWbAMeqVhth8mrL5hFQ

Fixed that.

Also, stupid question: how can the hash of proto_alpha always be the same?

Manually testing the MR


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  • For new features and bug fixes, add an item in the appropriate changelog (docs/protocols/alpha.rst for the protocol and the environment, CHANGES.rst at the root of the repository for everything else).
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Edited by Hugo Heuzard

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