SCORU: Tag external inbox messages
Addresses #3088 (closed).
A SCORU node need to be able to distinguish between external L1 to L2 messages—ones that originate from a Sc_rollup_add_messages
manager-operation—and internal ones originating from L1 smart-contract calls.
This can be done by splitting the inbox_message
type as in:
type t =
| Internal of {
payload : Script_repr.expr;
(** A Micheline value containing the parameters passed to the rollup. *)
sender : Contract_repr.t; (** The L1 caller contract. *)
source : Signature.public_key_hash;
(** The implicit account that originated the transaction. *)
| External of string
They are encoded using the data-encoding library so internal and external messages have different tags.
This MR also factors out two modules from Sc_rollup_management_protocl
They are needed in order to move the tagging of external messages to the level of Sc_rollup.Inbox.add_external_messages
Manually testing the MR
CI including:
dune exec tezt/tests/main.exe -- --file
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Edited by Joel Bjornson