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Enable bytecode mode to build tezos during development

Eduardo RFS requested to merge marigold/tezos:eduardorfs@make-bc into master


This MR add a make bc rule that will build all the Tezos binaries using OCaml bytecode, which is considerably faster to build and link.

For this a flag was added to all binaries on the Makefile except src/bin_snoop/main_snoop.exe as it fails to build using bytecode.


I ran some benchmarks, using the following setup with -j4 on dune

dune clean
dune build @check
time make

dune clean
dune build @check
time make bc

The results are

make    167.75s user 57.96s system 359% cpu 1:02.73 total
make bc  67.52s user 19.40s system 295% cpu 29.442 total

So if you're already running dune build @check -w to type your code, when you need to build a binary it will be way faster.

Manually testing the MR

To ensure everything is working you can run:

file tezos-node
make bc
file tezos-node

You should see that at first it is an ELF / Mach-O executable and after that it is a script executed by ocamlrun


To run bytecode binaries this MR depends on !2506 (merged)

Edited by Eduardo RFS

Merge request reports