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Allow the baker to fetch mempools from a remote server

vbot requested to merge nomadic-labs/tezos:vbot@private_mempool_uri into master


This MR rework the tezos-client bake for's --mempool option allowing it to fetch a remote mempool from a server. This option has also been added to the tezos-*-baker which will request and include operations from the remotely fetched mempool via a HTTP request. These requests happen on each new slot prior to the node fetching the node's mempool. Custom HTTP headers may also be provided using the environment variable TEZOS_REMOTE_MEMPOOL_HTTP_HEADERS when running the baker similarly as the tezos-signer. tezos-client bake for also have a new option --no-mempool to prevent the node from requesting the mempool from the node which was previously the case when the --mempool option would be provided. This is no longer the case.

This MR also add a client's command to compute the hash of a byte-encoded operation which is useful to forge mempools.

Manually testing the MR

  • Start a sandbox that maintains its data-dir : e.g. DATA_DIR="/tmp/mydatadir" ./src/bin_node/ 1 --connections 0
  • Bake a few blocks and prepare a mempool by injecting operations without including them in a block;
  • Query the mempool using the /chains/main/mempool/pending_operations RPC and put the result in a file;
  • Shutdown and restart the sandbox node to clear out its mempool but not its state;
  • Host the mempool file on a HTTP(s) server;
  • Run tezos-client bake for bootstrap1 --mempool <remote_mempool_uri> (and with tezos-alpha-baker);
  • Check that the expected operations to be included are indeed present in the new block.


@igarnier @rafoo_ @pirbo @eugenz

Merge request reports