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Enable release mode on dune by default

Eduardo RFS requested to merge marigold/tezos:@eduardorfs/dune-release into master


This is a performance improvement for the Michelson interpreter and typechecker, by default dune runs in development mode, which includes things like -opaque disabling any implementation based optimization.

To disable this during development make DUNE_PROFILE=dev can be used


I made some benchmarks using tezos-snoop and fact, just by enabling profile=release overall the results are ~35% improvement on mean time. On the full pipeline the results are not that impressive with this alone, but when combined with flambda, we can get boosts of up to ~20%.


  • Document the interface of any function added or modified (see the coding guidelines)
  • Provide automatic testing (see the testing guide).
  • Add item in the Development Version section of (only for new features and bug fixes).



Edited by Eduardo RFS

Merge request reports