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Draft: DAL/Test: fail if observer does not receive all the expected shards

What and why

This MR is about the amplification_without_lost_shards test. This test exercises the amplification cancellation feature introduced in !12566 (merged). It consists in a slot producer DAL node directly connected to an observer DAL node, the slot producer produces a slot and sends all the shards to the observer. We observe that a reconstruction is planned by the observer and then cancelled.

Because some shards were sometimes dropped by the observer node, the test was flaky. MR !12592 (merged) weakens the test to avoid the flakyness by allowing the case were shards are missing and the reconstruction actually happens.

I expect !13151 (merged) to have fixed this problem.

This MR makes the amplification_without_lost_shards test stricter. Basically, I reverted !12592 (merged) except that we still end the test as soon as the reconstruction terminates but instead of ending the test successfully we now fail in this case.


Manually testing the MR

Run the following command a few times to be sure the test is not flaky:

dune exec tezt/tests/main.exe -- alpha dal amplification --skip 1


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Edited by Raphaël Cauderlier

Merge request reports