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EVM/Exec: properly exit with a precompile outcome when there's a mod overflow with modexp precompiled contract

Rodi-Can Bozman requested to merge rodi@functori@fix-modexp into master


Like we do for other precompiled contract when there's an issue on the execution we should exit with a proper PrecompileOutcome this wasn't the case and throwing an EthereumError lead to an unwanted rollback which removed the nonce increment of the caller. This MR fixes that.

Manually testing the MR

Some tests were fixed with the evm evaluation assessor, you can check by yourself:

stPreCompiledContracts2_modexpRandomInput_data_index_1_gas_index_1_value_index_0: Failure -> Success
stPreCompiledContracts2_modexpRandomInput_data_index_1_gas_index_0_value_index_0: Failure -> Success

I've also extracted one unit test from the tests above, so that we have non-regression check.


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