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Draft: EVM: add accessed_storage_keys to handler


Add accessed_storage_keys to the transaction layer data in the handler. This is "the easy part" of EIP-2929. I work on this in relation to failing regression test named sstoreGas, but this fix, gave some 38 succeeding tests in total. Also, I think it gives a hint on what we can do to make SSTORE and SLOAD go faster - use A BTreeMap in AccessedStorage (instead of a BTreeSet) and store relevant data for each location there (such as original value + optionally a new value if any transaction wrote to said location). At the end of the toplevel transaction we can write all changes to durable storage in one go.

For now this fix only changes how we calculate gas.

Manually testing the MR

Use the evm-evaluation-assessor and test sstoreGas. It succeeds now.


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Edited by Thomas Pecseli

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