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EVM/Eval: Fixed a bug in parsing labels in evaluation

Hantang Sun requested to merge hantang@evm@fix_stMemoryTest into master


I discovered this bug when attempting to fix buffer.json in stMemoryTest with @thomas.pecseli . The test suite keeps checking post conditions with label ok-f3 and fail-f3 when the label of the test is ok or fail. We tracked down the problem to parsing of label in deserialisation. r":label (\w+)" was used as the regex (\w is equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_]) when the labels in a lot of tests contains -. This MR changed the regex to r":label ([\w-]+)" to account for the -.

Unfortunately, with the fix the number of failing tests increase from 1618 to 1752(compatibility drop from 87.83% to 86.82%), likely due to additional check being enabled.

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