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Ethereum does not allow for creation of contracts to a non-empty address, which can happen with eg CREATE2 instruction. This behaviour is specified in EIP-684. When a contract creation targets an address which contains code or has non-zero nonce.

This should be a very simple feature to implement but the wording of evm behaviour in case of a collision is quite ambiguous in EIP-684 (Revert creation in case of collision).

I wasn't sure whether revert refers to the behaviour of the REVERT opcode which would return all the remaining gas for the call. Therefore, I tested the bahaviour on the Sepolia testnet using the contract below.

pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

contract Contract {


contract Create2 {
    function create2() public {
        new Contract{salt: "0"}();

Details of relevant transactions can be found in:

The failing transaction consumes 2954002 out of the 3000000 gas limit (which does not seem to suggest that the CREATE2 returns remaining gas)

The transaction can be inspected more closely using the debugger in remix. And when running the transaction opcode by opcode(click the step into button), we would be able to see that the CREATE2 opcode consumes more than 290000 gas. It clearly shows that the revert in the specification just means undo the changes rather than REVERT opcode which also returns remaining gas.

As a side note, the reason why not all gas_limit is used is due to EIP-150, which limits gas for nested call/create to 63/64 of remaining. Therefore a small amount of gas is not passed to the CREATE2

For integration test: Eth-cli would wrap receipt of failed transaction in its own error message.Since we currently don't parse error message from eth-cli,we cannot fetch the tx_hash in this case and would get an empty string as tx_hash for failed transaction. After handling of failed transcation is correctly implemented, the following check would need to be replaced with let* () = check_tx_failed ~tx:tx2 ~endpoint in

Manually testing the MR

Run unit test with make -C etherlink/kernel_evm or integration test with dune exec tezt/tests/main.exe -- --file


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Edited by Hantang Sun

Merge request reports