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EVM/Kernel: instrument the execution for benchmarking


This MR is built on !10048 (closed), and adds the necessary instrumentation to benchmark the ticks per gas per opcodes. It adds two commits:

  1. Adds a module benchmarks in that sends the special write_debug sections added by !10149 (merged). These are completely unsafe by design: we want to avoid as much as possible any overhead during the profiling, and using debug_msg! (and especially the formatting) is consuming really too much. As the value to send to the profiler are always of the same size, the string is preallocated and modified in place right before using host.write_debug directly.
  2. Adds a feature flag benchmark for compilation, as such the benchmarking instrumentation has no impact for the real execution (and the ugly unsafe part is removed). It also adds the support of the variable EVM_KERNEL_FEATURES in the Makefile to use features flags when compiling the kernel, for example:
make -f EVM_CONFIG=src/kernel_evm/config/benchmarking.yaml EVM_KERNEL_FEATURES=benchmark evm_unstripped_installer.wasm

Manually testing the MR

Run the kernel in the profiler compiled with the feature flag with any contract scenario: you should see the sections for each opcode.

Run the same scenario without the feature flag: you shouldn't see any section at all.


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  • Provide automatic testing (see the testing guide).
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