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Draft: tests: Add Boost.Test example

Thomas Ives requested to merge add-boost-test into main

In this MR I have ported old_tests::attr_manip to Boost.Test. old_tests:attr_misc was chosen as it is short (only ~100 lines long). The original test was not asserting anything, but for the Boost.Test version I have added some assertions.

I am imagining when we have several suites running under Boost.Test we will compile them into the same binary and use the --run_test flag to select which suite. For now I have everything in one file (boost_tests.cpp), that is, this file contains both common infrastructure code and the attr_manip test. I am leaving it to the next person to workout if/how we split this up into different files.

The test accepts a "custom command line argument" to specify the device server to connect to, similar to the existing attr_misc test.

I found that when a Tango::DevFailed exception leaked from the test Boost.Test would not be very helpful partly because Tango::DevFailed does not inherit from std::exception. By default we get something like:

    unknown location(0): fatal error: in "attr_manip/read": unknown type

I have added a wrapper macro around BOOST_(AUTO|FIXTURE)_TEST_CASE called TANGO_(AUTO|FIXTURE)_TEST_CASE which improves things by logging the output of Tango::Except::print_exception when we have an uncaught Tango::DevFailed. There is another macro BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE that lets you run the same test with different input data. This might be useful but I have not wrapped this yet to print out uncaught Tango::DevFailed. It should be possible to wrap, but the macro is a bit more hairy as the test function takes arguments and I didn't bother working it out at this point.


  • Fix the CI (I hope I just need to add boost to the docker images)
    • Fix Linux
    • Fix Windows
  • Print DevFailed that occur during fixture construction
  • Tag docker images:
    • debian12:v6
    • debian12-cross-32bit:v5
    • debian11:v5
    • ubuntu-20.04:v5
    • ubuntu-20.04-jpeg9:v5
    • llvm-latest:v8
    • gcc-latest:v5
    • fedora37:v5
    • alpine-3.15:v5
    • debian-minimum-versions:v5
    • debian-maximum-cmake:v4
  • Update CI with released docker images

Working towards #870 (closed).

Edited by Thomas Ives

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