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CIP-788 Update MCS ReadTheDocs

Mae requested to merge cip-788-update-mcs-docs into main
  • Removed obsolete references to Fsp(Function) classes in documentation
  • Added the TalonDxLogConsumer to the documentation
  • Updated the docs/src/guide/getting_started/, including removing references to minikube profiles
  • Removed 'make documentation' in the top-level Makefile (this is duplication of the ska-cicd-makefile's 'make docs-build html' command
  • Removed copying README from docs directory into the docs/src/guide/getting_started directory because it overwrites the details in the README in that subdirectory
  • Update to using python3 (instead of python) in the docs/Makefile
  • Resolved 10 warnings in the docs-build job
  • Increment to version 0.6.17
Edited by Mae

Merge request reports