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Superseded: Return download file path via a global

s243a requested to merge s243a/Pkg:rtn-dl-filepath-via-global into master

Closed: since this is included in Merge Request#14 -- " Add Option to Keep Epoch, in repo doc db"

This fix allows us to handle a package name that differs from the file name. This adds robustness to the code and if it isn't needed yet (it might be needed now), it certainly will be needed if we include the epoch information in the "repo doc databases".

For this to work instead of piping the output of repo_file_list to a while loop, we directly read the output via a "for in" loop. This works because there are no special caracters that we have to worry about (e.g. spaces) for each output value of repo_file_list

This code is implemented in such a way that it could work in conjunction with the symlink-hack if needed. It is marked as WIP (work in progress) because maybe we should do more testing.

Note that the function ppa2pup doesn't yet strip the epoch from the package name. Right now, only ppa2pup_gawk and 0setup, strip the the epoch name from the package name.

Edited by s243a

Merge request reports