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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v6.2.6
    fad9ba4f · bump to v6.2.6 ·
    Release: v6.2.6
    - fix fail of analysis if no sample groups were specified
  • v6.2.5
    5f1eb059 · bump to v6.2.5 ·
    Release: v6.2.5
    - fix parsing of Proteome discoverer output that lacks a column named "Master" by calculating the mean value of the non-zero protein abundancies for all protein groups
  • v6.2.4
    4921c494 · bump to v6.2.4 ·
    Release: v6.2.4
    - fix dbcan tasks: erroneous parsing of hmmer output resulted in many missed annotations. Previously the wrong columns (1/3) were parsed from hmmer results, which resulted in a lot of missed hits. The correct columns are 0 and 2 for hmmscan and hmmsearch respectively.
    - internal: refactor building and writing of summary for comprehensibility.
    - internal: remove second accession column from id2annot map files
    - internal: rename column names of dbcan, pfam, tigrfam maps
  • v6.2.3
    faf8b183 · bump to v6.2.3 ·
    Release: v6.2.3
    - fix tigrfam download links
    - fix memory issues during lca calculation. Large numbers of protein groups in combination with many samples lead to large RAM consumption. Protein Group and Sample information is now stored in a sqlite db (`pgs/protein_groups_db.sql`), reducing the memory requirements to a minimum.
    - fix order of summary columns: When using sample groups, the name and title of summary columns did not match (affected: quant and mafft columns). Krona plots were not affected.
    - fix Proteome Discoverer Parsing for groups without master protein (#84). If a group has no master protein, it's abundance is set to the mean of all member protein abundance values
    - fix emapper v4 analysis (set block size parameter only for emapper v5)
  • v6.2.2
    de0934e8 · bump to v6.2.2 ·
    Release: v6.2.2
    - fix #82: eggnog jobs fail with memory error for some query fasta files
      - fixed by setting the block_size parameter based on the size of the all.faa fasta file: if the fasta file is larger than 10MB: block_size = 10 / size_in_MB(all.faa), rounded to one decimal. For smaller fasta files, the block_size is set to 2.
  • v6.2.1
    f1a1100a · bump to v6.2.1 ·
    Release: v6.2.1
    - fix eggnog v5 download
    - fix eggnog v5 result mapping
    - fix emapper log redirection, now is properly written to {task_file_name}.log
  • v6.2
    4889e765 · bump to v6.2 ·
    Release: v6.2
    - add support for eggnog database version 5.0.2
  • v6.1.1
    775fa43a · bum to v6.1.1 ·
    Release: v6.1.1
    - fix issue 80: only download ncbi_taxdump database for taxonomic analyses
    - fix mafft workflow if no protein groups with more than one accession are present
    - fix prophane crash upon executing `prophane list-dbs` on outdated databases. DBs are now automatically migrated.
    - add `prophane --version` parameter to cli
    - doc: adapt installation instructions to include direct conda installation, remove
  • v6.1
    f02d4bc1 · bump to v6.1 ·
    Release: v6.1
    - add support for gzipped fasta files as input
    - fix crash during parsing of Proteome Discoverer Output if it contains protein groups without any quantification values for the master protein. Now, Prophane ignores these protein groups.
  • v6.0.5
    33b6edb1 · bump to v6.0.5 ·
    Release: v6.0.5
    add support for large mzIdentML files
  • v6.0.4
    6d735f2c · bump to v6.0.4 ·
    Release: v6.0.4
    refactor code to parse search result using snakemake (previously: plain python)
  • v6.0.3
    f1b7020c · bump to v6.0.3 ·
    Release: v6.0.3
    - fix command line interface option "prepare-dbs". It now accepts additional snakemake options and will work if the job config contains acc2annot_mapper tasks
  • v6.0.2
    5c042660 · bump to v6.0.2 ·
    Release: v6.0.2
    - fix database migration for setups that contain multiple versions of the same db
  • v6.0.1
    c1e596e4 · bump to v6.0.1 ·
    Release: v6.0.1
    - fix prophane path detection in CLI
  • v6.0
    6dff995e · bump to v6.0 ·
    Release: v6.0
    ** 6.0
    *** Breaking Changes
    change of command line interface:
        prophane -> run
        prophane --list-dbs -> list-dbs
        prophane --list-styles -> list-styles
    *** Features
    Automatically download databases that are specified in the job-config. On first run of prophane, run prophane init {DB_DIR} where DB_DIR is an empty or non existant directory. To execute prophane, run prophane run {path-to-job-config}.
    *** Changes
    * bump the db_schema version to 5
    * task and plot files now include the database version number instead of the md5sum: tasks/{annot_type}_annot_by_{tool}_on_{db_type}.v{db_version}.task{taskid}.{ext}
  • v5.1.1
    9f56d99b · bump to v5.1.1 ·
    Release: v5.1.1
    - add mamba dependency
  • v5.1
    91d08b0c · bump to v5.1 ·
    Release: v5.1
    - add parser for proteome discoverer output
  • v5.0.2
    1c2bafd5 · bump to v5.0.2 ·
    Release: v5.0.2
    - fix mztab parser skipping samples without associated spectra and not counting all spectra
  • v5.0.1
    1d8a2198 · bump to v5.0.1 ·
    Release: v5.0.1
    fix parsing of spectra IDs from protein group yaml and some test files
  • v5.0.0
    2b3b4b0b · bump version to v5.0.0 ·
    Release: v5.0.0
    LCA determination of proteins with multiple annotations: If a species/lineage is found for all protein accessions in a protein group, this species/lineage is chosen as LCA. Before: if any other species was determined --> various.
    LCA determination with two different methods:
    1. (default) per protein group (with threshold, default: 1). If the ratio of proteins assigned to an ancestor is at least as high as the threshold, this ancestor is assigned to the entire group (multiple above threshold --> lca with highest support). Changes previous default behaviour. For example if a species/lineage is found for all protein accessions in one group, this species/lineage has a support of 100% and is chosen by the new lca-methode as LCA. Before: if any other species was determined --> various.
    2. democratic: takes the one with highest occurrence among all protein groups in the whole task
    New columns in summary.txt: lca-support, describing the number of proteins/spectra assigned to the respective LCA. Also the summary rule is adjusted for csv export, we only have to adjust the separator and includes spectra in output (if available).