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LCA determination of proteins with multiple annotations: If a species/lineage is found for all protein accessions in a protein group, this species/lineage is chosen as LCA. Before: if any other species was determined --> various.

LCA determination with two different methods:
1. (default) per protein group (with threshold, default: 1). If the ratio of proteins assigned to an ancestor is at least as high as the threshold, this ancestor is assigned to the entire group (multiple above threshold --> lca with highest support). Changes previous default behaviour. For example if a species/lineage is found for all protein accessions in one group, this species/lineage has a support of 100% and is chosen by the new lca-methode as LCA. Before: if any other species was determined --> various.
2. democratic: takes the one with highest occurrence among all protein groups in the whole task

New columns in summary.txt: lca-support, describing the number of proteins/spectra assigned to the respective LCA. Also the summary rule is adjusted for csv export, we only have to adjust the separator and includes spectra in output (if available).