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feature: use custom accession to annotation map file

Stephan Fuchs requested to merge custom_map into master

This task type directly maps accessions from the user provided proteomic search result to annotations, neglecting the sequence.

Added as new prog parameter, example task (also added to templates/config/config.yaml):

  - prog: acc2annot_mapper
    type: taxonomic
    shortname: fun_from_my_file
    db_type: custom_map
      path: /path/to/accession2annotation_map.tsv

Example table (*.tsv):

#acc	name_of_level1	name_of_level2	name_of_level3
KZK33282.1	Bacteria	Firmicutes	Bacilli
NP_268346.1	Bacteria	Firmicutes	Bacilli
WP_003131952.1	Bacteria	Firmicutes	Bacilli
PKC80086.1	Bacteria	Actinobacteria	Bifidobacteriales
XP_963622.1	Eukaryota	Ascomycota	Sordariomycetes
WP_000665196.1	Bacteria	Proteobacteria	Gammaproteobacteria
WP_000665196.1	Bacteria	Proteobacteria	Gammaproteobacteria group
Edited by Henning Schiebenhöfer

Merge request reports