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Fix issue unique when creating and resaving model within a transaction

Paolo requested to merge 53-unique-create-save into master

Closes #53 (closed)

gcloudc the merge of this fix ( and therefore the gcloudc@1.0.0 release) is currently blocked by python37-djangae job failing.

The problem is due to a what is a bug in Djangae that has been highlighted by the recent fixes to the connectors. The MR in Djangae is currently blocked by a bug in pyyaml (that has been fixed but on top of the transactionchanges) of in the connectors, so we're in a bit of an impasse.

While there might be "better" ways to overcome the, the "quickest" is:

  1. Point gcloudc master to run (temporarily) the tests against the "fixed" version of djangae
  2. Release gcloudc@1.0.0
  3. Merge djangae fix in master
  4. Create a new djangae RC
  5. Revert change in gcloudc to have the tests run against djanage on master.

This MR superseeds this 2:

Edited by Paolo

Merge request reports