- Knowing the credentials of a System Administrator (e.g. admin/Admin123);
- Logging into the application and navigating to the Export page.
Test Details
1. Creating a new subscription
Test Step | Test Data | Test Result |
1. Go to the System and then to the Subscriptions. | You should see the page with the list of subscription and the Create button in the right top corner. |
2. Click the Create button to launch a form for creating a new subscription. |
You should see a form. The form should contain five fields: Data Recipient's GLN (marked as required), Data Source's GLN (marked as required), GTIN, GPC Category Code and Target Market Country Code. | |
3. Click Save button |
You should see error messages under first two fields (This value should not be blank. ) and in the right bottom corner error alert with At least one of the fields: GTIN, GPC Category Code or Target Market Country Code should be filled. message. |
4. Fill only first two field with the text value. | e. g. Test
Under these fields should occur error with The value "Test" is not a valid numeric. message. and like in the previous step you should see the alert in the right bottom corner. |
5. Fill the GTIN field with the text value. |
e. g. Test
You should see also error message that the value Test is not a valid number. |
6. Click the Cancel button |
You should see the subscriptions list. | |
7. Click the Create button once again |
You should see the form again. | |
8. Fill first four field with numeric value (not negative integer), select the Target Market Country Code and click the Save button |
e. g. 1234 for the integers and European Union for the Target Market Country Code field |
You should see the subscription list with created new subscription. Also in the right bottom corner you should see a green box with information that A new subscription successfully created . |
9. Go through all the steps of this test case again checking that all system data are translated into French. | All system data and messages displayed to the user should be displayed in French (or should have the prefix FR). |
Test Step | Test Data | Test Result |
1. Go to the System and then to the Subscriptions. | You should see the page with the list of the subscription, one subscription (created in the previous process) and the Create button in the right top corner. |
2. Hover on the subscription | You should see at the right side two button: Re-submit and Delete . |
3. Click the Re-submit button |
You should see error with the There is an existing subscription file which is waiting for upload message in the right bottom corner. |
4. Go through all the steps of this test case again checking that all system data are translated into French. | All system data and messages displayed to the user should be displayed in French (or should have the prefix FR). |
Test Step | Test Data | Test Result |
1. Go to the System and then to the Subscriptions. | You should see the page with the list of the subscription, one subscription (created in the previous process) and the Create button in the right top corner. |
2. Hover on the subscription | You should see at the right side two button: Re-submit and Delete . |
3. Click the Delete button |
You should see a screen with confirmation and two buttons: Cancel and Delete . |
4. Click the Cancel button |
You should see the list with subscriptions. | |
5. Click the Delete button once again |
You should see a confirmation screen again. | |
6. Click the Delete button |
You should see a message box in the right bottom corner with the Subscription successfully deleted message and list without deleted subscription also. |
7. Go through all the steps of this test case again checking that all system data are translated into French. | All system data and messages displayed to the user should be displayed in French (or should have the prefix FR). |