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Fix factor for Maxwell vector potential

Franco Bonafé requested to merge fix_maxwell_vec_pot_interaction into main


The vector potential calculated from the magnetic field was being devided by 1/c when passed to the electronic system, as the electronic hamiltonian assumes the factor of (-1/c) to be present. But the Maxwell system is in atomic units (the factors being equivalent to SI units), therefore the 1/c factor should not be present, as this should be applied to a vector potential calculated in Gaussian units (which is the typical unit system assumed for the electromagnetic quantities in the electronic part of the code). This was confirmed by comparing length gauge, velocity gauge (dipole) and full minimal coupling, which showed that in length gauge the induced dipole moment was ~137 times larger than expected.


  • I have checked that my code follows the Octopus coding standards
  • I have added tests for all the new features added in this request.

Merge request reports