Getting Planar Regions Working in Gazebo
Multisense initialization is now already handled in the launch files, and it is no longer necessary to start the REA display, provided that the network processor is run in a terminal with 'export IS_GAZEBO=true'. What remains is to start the connecting nodes.
Spin the hokuyo:
rostopic pub /multisense/set_spindle_speed std_msgs/Float64 "5.0"
Then, launch the node to obtain pointcloud topics that the REA Module is looking for:
roslaunch scan_to_cloud filter_scan.launch
Be aware that planar region data will not flow immediately. The LIDAR must accumulate and be processed by the planar region algorithm, and this may take 5-10 seconds. You can check that planar region data is flowing via
rostopic echo /ihmc/rea/output/planar_regions_list