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M7121-M7124: Add new models (Published/Cell Culture/MDCK EMT)

Eric Cytrynbaum requested to merge cytryn.math/model-repo:add-model into master

This branch contains 16 new xml files that were used to simulate various aspects of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition studied in the manuscript "A Multiscale computational model of YAP signaling in epithelial fingering behaviour" by Naba Mukhtar, Eric N Cytrynbaum, and Leah Edelstein-Keshet which is about to be resubmitted to The Biophysical Journal after the first round of reviews. There are also four movie files that are part of the supplemental material for the submission. These files are all located in the new folder model-repo/Published Models/Epithelial-mesenchymal transition/.

Edited by Diego Jahn

Merge request reports