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Payment descriptions update in Stripe #2465

Ben requested to merge feat/payment-descriptions-2465 into master

Ticket(s) / Related Merge Requests

Summary of Changes

Testing Considerations

See criteria here !1153 (merged) - the only difference is we will be checking for the description field rather than statement_descriptor.

To test the CLI job, use a dryRun first to make sure the changes it makes are accurate to what is expected. There will be over 1000 changes so it will not be feasible to test them all. Also note that payments make from peoples local stacks share the same stripe env, so they will show as "Minds Payment".

source /vault/secrets/env && php cli.php Stripe updatePaymentDescriptions --pageSize=10 --verbose --dryRun --overwrite

One way you can test is for example:

  1. Make a Supermind for cash
  2. Find it in Stripe
  3. Remove the description
  4. Run (and cancel after second page loads)
source /vault/secrets/env && php cli.php Stripe updatePaymentDescriptions --pageSize=1 --verbose
  1. Verify the description was set back to what it was
  2. Repeat for other TX types

Deployment Considerations

Standard deployment.

As I'm away next week - this IS blocked by !1175 (merged) - once that MR is merged, pull master into this and double-check these changes prior to merge.

CLI job above to be run when we want to update - test with --dryRun flag first. Unless careful thought has been made (e.g. if something breaks and you want to overwrite every description that has been written already), do NOT run with --override flag on production - it is there because testing on the local stack meant sandbox users couldn't be found, and sandbox payments not identified. You can run with this to sync Stripe to sandbox descriptions.

Regression Scope

Payment intent

Platform Affected (web, mobile, etc)

Engine, Stripe data

Developer Testing Completed

Manual, Unit

Screenshots / Screen Recording


Does this impact

  • Localization
  • Dark/light mode
  • Guest mode

Definition of Done Checklist

  • The Acceptance Criteria has been met
  • Code is tested: Testing includes unit/spec, E2E/automated and manual testing
  • Merge requests description has been filled out
Edited by Ben

Merge request reports