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Add payment descriptors to Stripe for receipts #2442

Ben requested to merge feat/stripe-descriptors-2442 into master

Ticket(s) / Related Merge Requests

Closes #2442 (closed)

Summary of Changes

Add payment descriptors visible in Stripe for different types of transactions.

Note as memberships and tips are indistinguishable at engine level from the context of the wire manager, we agreed to use the term "Payment" for both. Withdrawal has not been included as it was a bonus that wasn't initially in the card when weighted, and it's not clear to what it refers, or where the code lies.

Testing Considerations

This is going to be exceptionally diffifuclt to test on sandboxes. It was implied we could bypass sandbox testing but I've done some myself, and will leave steps incase anybody wants to replicate.

First, you will need access to an account that has a payment card set up and a receiving account (the main minds account on the sandbox will suffice). The below two queries may help you get this set up if you do not already have it

INSERT INTO minds.user_index_to_guid (key, column1, value) VALUES ('<<inser your user guid>>:payments', 'customer_id', '<<insert customer id>> ');
UPDATE minds.entities SET value='{"service":"stripe","id":"<<set account id>>>"}'  WHERE key='<<user guid>>' and column1='merchant';

Look here for new TXs and check the payment descriptors - make sure that you are in test mode

To test Supermind:
  1. Make a Supermind request to Minds for cash.
  2. Check Stripe


To test Wire:
  1. Update helm chart so that plus handler and pro handler are NOT Minds
  2. Make a transaction to Minds
  3. Check Stripe


To test Pro:
  1. Update helm chart so that plus handler is NOT minds and the pro handler is Minds
  2. Make a transaction to Minds
  3. Check Stripe


To test Plus:
  1. Update helm chart so that plus handler is Minds and the pro handler is NOT Minds
  2. Make a transaction to Minds
  3. Check Stripe


Deployment Considerations

Standard deployment

Regression Scope

Stripe payments

Platform Affected (web, mobile, etc)

Web / Mob

Developer Testing Completed

Manual and unit

Screenshots / Screen Recording




Does this impact

  • Localization
  • Dark/light mode
  • Guest mode

Definition of Done Checklist

  • The Acceptance Criteria has been met
  • Code is tested: Testing includes unit/spec, E2E/automated and manual testing
  • Merge requests description has been filled out
Edited by Ben

Merge request reports