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  • Abhilash Raj's avatar
    Bootstrap 4 port. · ec7a1da2
    Abhilash Raj authored
    Bumped Bootstrap for 3.4 -> 4.3
    Added popper.js library which is a dependency on Bootstrap 4.x
    Some big changes:
    - all .visible and .hidden attributes are now removed and replaced by
     d-{breakpoint}-{value} style classes which break at the "breakpoint" and they
     can be hidden by "value" of "none".
    - grid values are now replaced by sass mixing $grid-brakpoints
    - @media queries are all replaced by @include queries
    - All sub-items of navbar-nav now need nav-item and all <a> tags need nav-link.
    - "active" flag needs to be added to `<a>` tag inside nav-item
    - btn-default is now replaced by btn-secondary and btn-default is now gone.
    - btn-outline-secondary is being used at many places too.
    - background colors can be replaced .bg-{color} attributes.
    - Grids are now slightly different, we have changed the breakpoitns to align
      with default bootstrap ones
      tn -> xs
    	sm -> sm
    	md -> md
    	lg -> lg
    	   -> xl
    - Thread list still doesn't look like it should
    - Button colors are still a bit off in many places, btn-secondary needs some
      replacement color
    - Navbar height is more and needs better alignment for options