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feat(frontend): replace bus protractor tests with bus cypress tests

This issue consist in replace protractor test with cypress test and delete protractor test.

protractor (2-import-bus.e2e-spec.ts) cypress (buses.e2e-spec.ts)
'should have empty fields by default' l 83 'should have empty form fields when clicking attach bus' l 125
'should be cleared when clicking on the clear button' l 107 'should clear fields when closing attach bus form' l 135
'should show the backend HTTP error' l 132 'should show POST import error' l 283
'should be able to discard and retry after a failed import' l 163 'should be able to retry import bus after a failed import' l 409
should show the import error line 207 'should have complete message import error when clicking view more' l 314

BTW : In the last test ('should show the import error') the error message
'org.ow2.petals.jmx.api.api.exception.ConnectionErrorException: hostname: Name or service not known'
has been replaced in ('should have complete message import error when clicking view more') by
'lorem ipsum ...'
is it normal ?

Edited by gregoire maria

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