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Rework Lumberg 1503-07 THT audio jack

Mostly minor KLC updates:

  • Remove silk screen where overhangs could occur (F5.1.8)
  • Rotate fab res des to long axis (F5.4.b)
  • Break silk lines to stay 0.2mm from NPTHs

Geometry changes:

  • Tighten courtyard all around
  • Move T pins apart by 0.2mm (DS says these are 6.7 to hole edges)





There isn't a 3D model that I can find to use here.

The 6.7mm was noted in the original MR ( !2595 (merged)) for this part but I think it was mistakenly changed to 6.5mm when the body was also changed to 6.5.

Land pattern drawing:


Body drawing:


KLC viaolations:

  • F7.2 origin not at pin 1: there is no pin 1, the pins are T, R, S
Edited by John Beard

Merge request reports