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add dockerfile

angga kusumandaru requested to merge 10-generate-dockerfile into master

Closes #10 (closed)

create dockerfile with multi stage

to build:

docker image build -t kawalcovid19/kawal-diri/authentication:v1 .

to run with default env:

docker run -it -p 11000:11000 -p 8080:8080 kawalcovid19/kawal-diri/authentication:0.0.1

to run with overriding env:

docker run --env DB_HOST=xxx.xx.xx.xx --env DB_DRIVER=postgres -it -p 11000:11000 -p 8080:8080 kawalcovid19/kawal-diri/authentication:0.0.1


Edited by angga kusumandaru

Merge request reports