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A couple proposed commits. Description below

g0t mi1k requested to merge github/fork/fat-tire/master into master

Created by: fat-tire

Heya. Here are a few commits for your enjoyment. A few minor things, but the big ones are:

  • Android Studio/gradle build support
  • AOSP build system support (which allows NH to be built as part of a standard ROM build w/installation into /system/priv-app -the chroot fs is not included obviously, just the app)
  • Build date, user name, and version info now presented in the main fragment (not sure if this will work in Windows build as $USER env variable may not exist (?) but an equivalent can be patched in easily to gradle I think if needed).
  • intents to start play store to grab the Terminal Emulator if not installed
  • other minor tweaks



Merge request reports